chapter 14 : day of the investigation

Nagato was seen sitting in the center of the room in front of him there a big table higher-up of the company sitting there to start an investigation to determine if Nagato have done the corruption in the company then the higher up from the company which was the owner itself his name was Ryan he is a foreigner from America he owns a lot of company and he is strict to them if someone ruined his company reputation and to give them a punishment he himself sits with the investigation then

Ryan starts by asking the question " I have investigated you with my sources you are Nagato that have been working in the company for 2 years I have seen your work progress you have been doing a good job but there is some data mission from financial department and you were the one that was managing that data we have estimated that approximately 10 million dollars have been stolen and all in the financial department are pointing finger at you so what can you tell me about it do you agree that you have stolen 10 million one of the investigator that was involved with director and his nephew was in the thought that we will get away and this shabby bastard will be behind bar maybe I should ask to give me one million more for doing this job.

then Nagato say to Rayan " when I was looking for a job in my imagination I thought it will be a place that I will know how a normal man work when I see a working man walking down a street I always thought maybe he is having a good time in his life return to a family that always waiting for him to return in a weekend with a friend he will be playing golf but reality and this world is cruel a normal person has to face discrimination if he is different from other in work you will imagine that it will a place where you will work hard earn money get married have a happy life you dream but it was a world of corrupted individual that just gain recognition from your work they work you to bone abuse female employees and look down on you because you are not their status but it will not stay the same I will make the ideal life I want even if I will eliminate all the obstacle that will come my way,

Ryan and others say to Nagato " what that has to do with this we ask you a question that you do you stole the 10 million from this company give an answer in yes or no?

Nagato "no I do not steal the 10 million from this company "

Ryan and others get shocked hearing this the one that was involved with the director raises his voice and say to Nagato that he is the only one that can steal the money he does not even have evidence he is just baseless spouting nonsense sir I say we call the police and get him to where he belongs Rayan stop him and say to Nagato what evidence do you have can you prove you are innocent?

Nagato "I do not have evidence but I have the culprit that has done this and he willingly admits that he has done this?

the one that was involved with the director say to him " he has gone insane we have all the evidence that says you have done this you are wasting our time I will call the police right away other well started to argue some were saying to have him call the culprit and other were saying call the police Rayan stay silence everyone agrees and says to Nagato to call the culprit.

Nagato call him the one that comes when Nagato call was none other than the senior the other get shocked and the corrupted officer was started to sweat like crazy because he knew if he open his mounth he will be screwed