chapter 15 : day of the investigation (2)

the story continues when senior enters the room he was on standby waiting for Nagato to call Nagato has warned him if he tries to run away this time he will really jump him off the building but higher than this senior was standing silently and flashback was going on in his head higher up to try calling him then one shouted he come to his sense

higher-ups ask the bastard senior: the Nagato here is saying to you are the culprit is it true "

senior reply " yes sir I have done it only a small part of it there are two other people that have done it and they are trying to frame Nagato "

the one that was involved in corruption shouts " what are you saying did this bastard threaten you just tell us if he doing this to you we will give him the punishment he will not forget for stealing and threatening you "

the thought that was going inside his head was " if this bastard open his mouth me and the director will be screwed I have to shut him up somehow

he was shouting and trying to convenience him to blame Nagato all members were in panic seeing his reaction the owner shouted " everybody stands down and be keep quiet the room become silent again

the owner says to all " I call you all here to have your opinion, not your judgment I will be the one that judges who are criminal or not, and please sit down and be quiet for a moment

then Ryan ask him " to tell him the truth with evidence "

the senior reaches into his pocket and take out the mobile phone and say " sir this mobile have missing data also the evidence of corruption that was done by me my uncle and point the finger at a director friend that was sitting there with them

Ryan looked at the corrupted individual that was sitting there in anger with all others started to chat about that director and others that were involved in corruption in the company and the director's friend started to shudder in fear when one suggest first look at the mobile and evidence in it director friend thought "I have to somehow stop them to open the mobile he sit up and try to grab mobile when Nagato leave his chair to grab his arm pin him to the table to restrict his movement hearing the commotion guard come in looking Nagato like a police officer restraining a man

Ryan orders Nagato to release him a give him the guard he releases him

Ryan ask Nagato " were you in the military before I cannot seem to find anything that says you serve in the military but the way you defend it seems you have some training"

Nagato replied " no sir I just have taken some self-defense class "

Ryan reply " oooh but how accurately he had pinned him down cannot be gained by simply taking defense class he is hiding something "

Nagato asks Ryan " sir now that you have the culprit and evidence can I leave now "

other try to stop him from leaving but Ryan give him permission to leave

meanwhile, all the information were sent to the director that his nephew has admitted everything his friend is also arrested with notice from the court and arresting warrant he smash his hand on the table with angry shouting " f@cking nephew how dare he betrays me and how does the Nagato bastard do this I will teach him a lesson before I will go to jail he's dead news will come first "

director dial a call a man pick up that is in middle of beating someone he answers by saying " hey what you want I am in the middle of something "

director " hey f@ucker do you forget me I have given your organization a lot of money and support I have a person I want you to kill "

the man replies" you are going to jail in a few days why does it matter now "

director " are you forgetting that I also have dirt on you do you want to come with me to jail and have your rival give me a chance to destroy your organization

the man gets angry but replies " just this once I will do and if you open your mouth I will go to jail only once whether I murder you or not "

the man that was on the phone with the director is the rival of Renji's brother he has the second biggest gang in Tokyo he has the face of a killer with a scar on his cheek and he has a hobby of making people suffer before killing them

a new enemy has add-in Nagato's life how will he come to his life peaceful again guess we have seen it through the end