chapter 16 A new enemy

after an exhausting day of investigation, Nagato was finally able to lay in bed and have his face buried in the pillow when he close his eye he had a flashback of his past where he is running on a remote island it is raining and Nagato is running without the shirt on when he looks back there are more people running behind him and when one fall nobody stop and run over him Nagato remember why nobody was stopping because the one that was making them run was in an armored vehicle behind them and once a person falls down they run over him the fear was making their feet move suddenly he see that car is the closing distance to him running over all the person behind and just as it got close Nagato wake up in a sweat and his hand were shaking

Nagato talking to himself " what the hell is happening why I cannot sleep like I use to have these fu@king nightmares is always reminding me of past

Nagato woke up at 4 am because his dark past is started to come back to him which he wanted to forget and led a normal life

like usual he gets the urge to carry out his training like running and Practice basic martial arts to move to not get rusty lately Nagato is feeling like his senses in fighting becoming dull when Nagato reach the park he notices that someone is watching him he started to run like usual after half-lap some yakuza type people block him there were two people that block Nagato one of them was bald with the scar on his cheek other has long hair and piercing in his ear and nose

one of them started to say to Nagato " hey bi@ch is your name is Nagato "

Nagato " Nagato nagato yep never heard of him "

bald guy " o is that right sorry for taking your time please continue your running "

Nagato in his mind " please go away I don't want any more trouble I want peace they both look like a trouble for me "

long hair guy shout at Nagato " wait there "

Nagato stop and look and ask him " yes "

long hair guy with suspicious eye approach Nagato and say to him " you forgot your water bottle "

Nagato takes a breath of relief and started to run again and thought let's just go home for now

( introduction of the boss )

the bald guy call his boss the rival of Renji's brother and the second-biggest gang in Tokyo skull gang the higher the rank the more skull the person will have on their body the name of the boss is Shinobu

bald guy " sir Nagato is not here yet we have been waiting for him a long time but he still does not arrive sir the information that we have received may be wrong "

Shinobu " idiot if he is not coming to the park go to his house that fu@ker director he eats my ear off asking if I have killed him yet just f@cking kill him already I have a lot of other things to do apart from this "

bald guy " yes sir we are going to the address that you send us we will do it quickly and join you then"

they both get in the car and arrive at Nagato's apartment they get off the car and stand in front of the door of Nagato apartment bald guy ring the bell Nagato was taking a shower he hears the bell ringing he warp the towel around to answer the doorbell

When he answered the door they were the guy from the park both Nagato and those guys were looking at each other intensively

Nagato was drying his hair with the towel he stop when he sees them then baldy when he see Nagato's body it was well built and there were many scare on his body he get scared briefly then

long hair guy shouted" he is that guy from before he was in the park when we ask him if he was Nagato he decline us

bald guy garb the neck of Nagato and say to him do you think this is funny we were going to let you off painlessly but you lie to us that makes me madder and I am going to make you more suffering than before

Nagato " take it easy we all are educated people here we can talk it out like normal people "

long hair " that bald does not even go to the high school and you are saying we can talk "

blady " yeahhhh he stops and turns around b@tch are you are complimenting me or badmouthing me

long hair " of course I am complimenting you "

baldy " you bastard you are making fun of me I will deal with you later first i will deal with him "

Nagato talking to himself " they are just a bunch of idiots "

when baldy was choking he was using all his strength but he was not able to choke him

Nagato thought "let's ask them some questions because it was futile to argue with them

Nagato grab his both hand squeeze his hand he easily put his both handoff from his neck baldy was confident in his strength but seeing how helpless he is in front of Nagato long hair is saying to blady to not fool around but baldy is turning red just to break free from him

Nagato strike between his chin and neck to knock him out blady fell to the ground and foam coming out from his mouth long hair takes his fight stand and try to punch Nagato dodge it and hit him on the chin making him unconscious

continue on chapter 17