Further more...

"This is a dumb request Mr. Guiled." Faridah said as Mr. Guiled looked furious about her sudden purchase of the blue diamond.

"I really wanted that diamond!" He said that he had tracked down the buyer and it revealed that it was Faridah who bought the Blue Diamond Ring for her rumored boyfriend.

"The blue diamond ring means a lot to my Wife. I want to have it." He added. "The ring is in my Future husband's hand. I don't think I'll be reselling it to you." Faridah said as Keteki came to her aid and she gave him the papers that she signed.

"You must reconsider Ms. HAMILTON!" Mr. Guiled is pushing Faridah's button when Kyle arrives with Faridah's lunch. 

"The CEO will take her break, Please schedule another meeting with her if you want Mr. Guiled." Keteki said as he guided Mr. Guiled outside when he saw on Kyle's hand the ring.

"Why was he looking at me like that?" Kyle asked as Faridah opened her lunch box and saw the bento that Kyle made as she smiled.

"Thanks for the meal." She whispered and tasted everything in the box. Faridah was enjoying her food when a person barged into the office and saw Kyle and Fridah sharing a meal.

"KETEKI!!!!" Faridah shouted as she looked pissed about her cousin barging in. 

Amelia Hamilton, Faridah's cousin and a spoiled brat. Faridah knew that when her cousin was around she wanted to have a shopping spree yet she could not do that now that lunchtime is the only time that Kyle and her are free.

"Amelia I'm busy here." She said as Amelia couldn't look at Kyle. "WHEN DID YOU KEEP A HOT BOYFRIEND?!" She asked as she sat down beside Faridah facing Kyle.

Kyle looked at Faridah waiting for her to deny the fact that he was her boyfriend yet Faridah didn't say anything that made him blush.

Keteki sighed as Faridah dismissed him.

"You don't usually eat lunch in your office. Did you order takeout?" Amelia asked as Faridah started eating and had no mood to respond.

"Uhmm excuse me..." Kyle started. "Actually I made the lunch that Faridah is currently eating right now." He added as Faridah smirked.

"You must be pointing out a joke on me. Anyway, let's go have some fun at the mall. I have tons of things to buy!" Amelia said as Faridah sighed. 

"I can't, I have to spend time with Kyle since he'll go back to school after lunch. Let's just reschedule your visit again by then." Faridah declined as Amelia looked at Kyle.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked as Kyle looked at Faridah. "Hmm, What do you think? Anyways fine let's go to the mall. It's fine for you right Kyle?" Faridah asked as Kyle nodded. 

"I will be taking my leave now." He said as Faridah watched him walk towards the door.

"Kyle..." Faridah called as Kyle looked at her. "No kiss goodbye?" She asked teasing him as Kyle blushed and went to her and kissed her on the cheeks.

"Hmm quite shy, Come to my house later. You don't have classes tomorrow, right? " Faridah asked looking at Kyle's hand as the blue diamond shines. 

Amelia looked pissed as they are PDAs in front of her. 

"I have work, do you want to have a sleepover with me?" He said as Faridah smirked. "I don't mind, I'll see you later," Faridah said as she pulled him close and gave him a peck on his lips.

"Do well in school." She said as Kyle nodded while his mind was on cloud nine. "I see you doing quite well huh," Amelia said.

"Yeah, what is it that you want to purchase so bad that you come running to your favorite cousin?" She asked as Amelia smirked.

"You heard about the limited edition bag that Andrea Designed right?" She asked as Faridah smirked. 

"Ahh the billion-dollar bag. It seems like your wants are getting expensive." Faridah said as she called Keteki to bring her check. 

"Yeah, Father can't afford it yet my favorite cousin can!" She said with her puppy eyes. "You know what I want in return for this huge amount right?" She asked as Amelia smiled.

"Yes, I shall take care of the information that you want to retrieve from your ex-lover," Amelia said as Faridah signed the check.

Amelia is a famous spy, She can easily track someone as long as you have their name and background information she'll do the rest of the work. 

Faridah wants to know where the blue diamond came from since this is a very important historical replica. 

"I saw Kyle's hand, Why would you hand him such a valuable thing that could kill him if he won't be careful?" Amelia asked as Faridah smiled knowing that she knew how everyone would come after him for that blue diamond.

"Yeah I am deeply aware of that so let's do things our way," Faridah said as she looked at Keteki and Keteki nodded like he got what Faridah wanted to happen. 

"Faridah you're not planning on having Solis and Gab to watch over a big man like him right?" Amelia asked knowing that her brothers would be offended by it.

"It's an order from your favorite cousin, You can do that for me right?" She asked as Amelia smirked knowing that Faridah was pushing her limits. 

"Tch fine." She said as Faridah handed her the check. "Have fun with your new Bag Amelia," she said as Amelia smiled and waved the check. 

"I will sure do..." 

Keteki came in as he looked worried. "What is it?" Faridah asked.

"Solis and Gabriel are scary people to trust with." He started as he didn't trust those two to look after Kyle. 

"Yeah even Amelia is bothered by my request yet they are the people I can trust to keep Kyle safe no matter what happened," Faridah said as she leaned back on her chair.

'It seems like she cares about him more than anything else.' Keteki thought as he called Solis and Gab for confirmation. 

"Ahhh the brat finally has a mission for us," Solis said on the other line and called Gabriel. 

"I hope you'll have a meeting with Ms. Faridah about this topic soon," Keteki said as the call turned off. 

In the Hamilton Mansion Faridah arrived late since she still had a business meeting to attend to. 

Her parents went to France to assist her grandparents in the auction event. She needs to stay since she still has a lot of work to do. 

The maids approached her and helped her with her coat and things. Keteki waved his goodbye as he went back to his car and drove himself home.

"Is Kyle here?" Faridah asked as the maids nodded. "He's sleeping in your room ma'am." One of the maids said as Faridah smirked. 

'I see, He doesn't like the guestroom huh?' she thought as she was about to go up when the maid stopped her. 

"He cooked something for you ma'am and told us to let you have it when you arrive." The maid said and presented a well-done steak.

Faridah smiled and ate the steak that Kyle prepared for her. She finished her plate and went to her room to have a good bath and saw Kyle making himself at home sleeping soundly on her bed. 

Faridah went to the bathroom and took her time relaxing since she finished a lot of important stuff during the day.

"Faridah your here?!" Kyle asked as she looked at Faridah in a bubble bath. "I-Im sorry I was just concerned about who was inside the room. I didn't track the time..." Kyle said as his face was all red.

"Yeah, Don't you want to greet me properly?" She asked as Kyle gulped knowing what she meant by it. 

He slowly walked towards her and saw that she was entirely naked in the water and only the bubbles were covering her delicate parts.

Kyle leaned for a kiss and Faridah kissed back. 

"C-Can I go now?" Kyle asked as Faridah smiled and nodded. Faridah looked at Kyle's hand as the blue diamond shone in it. 

Faridah's phone was ringing as Kyle looked at it and it was Gabriel.

Kyle felt bad and didn't know what to do since it was a boy's name. He might be someone important for him to call Faridah late at night. 

Faridah finished her bath and got into her robe when he saw Kyle staring at her phone. 'Ahh, I bet this scene is 'that' type of scene.' Faridah thought as he hugged Kyle and answered the phone.

"What is it Gab?" She asked as Kyle couldn't move a muscle.

"You idiot cousin! Why would you give the payment to that spoiled brat?!" Gabriel said on the other side. 

'Cousin? Hah! I mistook him for Faridah's lover!' Kyle thought as he faced Faridah.

Faridah let him sit down on a chair as she sat down on his lap while talking to Gab.

It was a cold night yet both of them felt hot that night.