Tus & Eura (1)

The morning training with Brook went on as usual without any troubles. After the training Lucas went into the mansion with heavy steps, thinking how he should explain about the two kids although it was such a relief that both Anton and Alisa were not demanding answers from him.

But before the explanation came, Lucas even had another problem. Tus was already awake and well, when Lucas went to look at their situations early this morning. The problem was the girl. She was refusing to leave the room and even refused to remove her hood off no matter what the others said. Lucas just decided that he should handle this matter after training as Brook would not allow being late, considering how much of a strict teacher he was.

After taking a bath and washing away his sweat and tiredness, he decided to go to Ryosuke's room where the siblings were. As he entered the room, he saw a slim boy who was around 12 years of age, persuading the hooded girl who was sitting in a corner to not to be stubborn. His emerald eyes shook a bit anxiously as Lucas entered the room. He immediately stood up and bowed to 90 degrees as he greeted Lucas.

"Is she still refusing to change her clothes?" Lucas sighed as he went to the siblings.

"Ah, yes master.... I deeply apologize! She just needed some time... Don't punish her! I will persuade her. So..." Tus seemed like he was trembling for not being able to do what Lucas asked them; to take a bath and change into the clothes that Alisa had provided.

'Does he think like I am going to punish them!?'

The atmosphere was tense and Lucas didn't really like such an atmosphere. And what would it look like if a 12 years old young boy was bowing to a 7 years old kid? In Lucas's perspective, it was definitely weird.

"Take it easy! I am not blaming you for such a small case." Lucas laughed a bit to lighten up the atmosphere as he sat down near the girl. Tus was just looking at Lucas's doings in concern.

"Hey girl," Lucas tried to be as softly as he could. 'Is this girl afraid? No, looking at her behavior yesterday, it doesn't look like she is a scaredy-cat.'

"Look at me. I am not doing any bad thing to you so what about you pull down your hood and relax?"

As expected, the girl even held her hood tighter, making Tus frown.

"Actually master, Eura is ----"


The attempt for an explanation from Tus was cut out by the girl, whose name was Eura.

"So, you must be Eura." Lucas continued. "Eura, didn't you promise that you will do everything I said if I save your brother? I'm worried we will get anything from this."

It seemed that the word 'promise' reached to Eura as she slowly raise her head and looked at Lucas in her round dark brown eyes.

"Ok.... don't be surprised..."

Lucas was prepared to himself that nothing would make him surprised but his eyes widened nonetheless as she lowered her hood.

Her wavy brown hair fell out and there were two bear ears that was popping out. Although she lowered her hood, she didn't really dare to look at Lucas face at first, but when she looked she was worried enormously as she saw Lucas being in a shocked state with his widened eyes.

"So you also think that I am a spawn of demons? Are you disgusted, now?" Her tone was lifeless. "Tus is a human, by the way. Don't drag him along if you want to kill me." Her eyes shifted from gazing at Lucas, resulting in Tus's worried manner.

"She is not a bad one master! Trust me! She isn't associated with the demons! I can explain!" Tus kneeled down as he pleaded. Normally, when one met someone from the tribe that was allied with the demons, they either tried to kill them or tested them with various magic and such until they died which made both of Tus and Eura's behaviors understandable.

"Ah...no... I believe you guys. I was just caught off-guard. I won't do anything so Tus, stand up. And also Eura, I won't kill you. Don't worry." Lucas assured them while smiling. Yes, he was surprised but it was not because of Eura being from a bear tribe.

'When he said Eura, I felt the name was familiar but...' Lucas looked closely at Eura's bear ears. 'Eura from the bear tribe... Don't tell me she is the same Eura from the novel!?' He held his head, trying to recall the facts.

"Really?" Both Tus and Eura asked in unison, feeling that it was too beautiful to hear what Lucas had said, making Lucas grin a bit.


"And you won't torture me?" Eura raised her voice in hope.

"Yes. I also won't torture you. So don't worry and clean yourself a bit. If you are worried, I will ask no one to enter the room, except Ryosuke, of course, since it is his room. Ah, and don't worry about Ryosuke. He will be more excited to see you, Eura. Haha"

Lucas smiled again as he saw both of them sighed in relief. It seemed that the thought of Eura being someone from the bear tribe greatly pressured them to reveal the fact. And Lucas also started to get worried a bit, too, in thinking about how to explain the other people, especially his family. 'Should I just keep it a secret for now?' Even if Lucas wanted to keep it as a secret, he still didn't know how to do that.

"By the way, are you not siblings? How come Tus is human and Eura isn't?"

"Actually, we are not, master.... We just met each other on the cart and somehow, got attached to each other as we don't have family.... anymore." Tus looked down, his face in some depressed manner, patting Eura's head.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Lucas really didn't know how to comfort them as he said sorry. It must be very sorrowful to lose one's family completely. Lucas really did want to know what made them become slaves and if Eura's family was really allied with demons but he didn't want to pursue the topic anymore. And if Lucas was right, he knew pretty much about Eura's backstory from the novel.

"Don't be, master.... And we are greatly appreciative that you saved us. You even healed me and treated us really well. I am really thankful for that and I will follow every order you give from now on!" Tus then lowered his head again and this time he was also tapping Eura to do the same.

'How many times should I tell him not to bow like that!??'

"Thank you. I will also follow your order as I promised.... as long as that doesn't harm Tus." Eura seemed like she didn't want to say, though, by looking at how she pouted while she was telling.

Lucas just chuckled while saying that they didn't need to do that and they were free from the slavery, and free to do whatever they wanted, whether it was to leave the mansion or not. But he also offered to give them a work at the mansion if they wanted to stay, which made both of them in awe. Yes, Lucas didn't expect them to stick to him without their consent as he didn't buy them for that reason.

"I will stay! I want to serve you master!" Tus was now filled with energy and it was such a beautiful sight to see his emerald eyes sparkling and it definitely suit with his blonde hair color. One might confuse him as a noble if Tus was dressed properly, supported by his handsome yet innocent look which made Lucas to wonder how Tus became a slave.

"I..... I will stay, too! I don't think you are a bad human..... and I promised you that I will do whatever you say."

It was surprising that both of them agreed to stay and serve Lucas, especially Eura as Lucas wasn't hoping for her to do so. It was ok for Lucas even if Eura didn't keep her promise but he just let it be. He assured them that no one except Ryosuke would come into the room and to relax as he also promised to come back again in the evening for future plans. Lucas needed to sort his thoughts out and also have the explanation job for Anton.

As Lucas left the room, Tus and Eura were still looking at the door, not daring to believe how luck they were to meet with Lucas.

"Eura, I think Lucian really blessed us now..." Tus was not in a teary state while not averting his gaze from the door.

"Don't be too easy, stupid Tus. What if he turns out to be a bad one after a while?"

Tus giggled a bit after looking at Eura who looked like a 8 years old kid pouting. No matter what she said Tus just had a feeling that Lucas was one of the best people in the world and one that he would be glad to serve.


Lucas explained to Anton about the situation, including the fact that Eura was from the bear tribe. Anton was greatly concerned about Eura, though saying that it was not the best idea to keep her near Lucas as he didn't know what she might try later. He even suggested Lucas make a slave collar for her which would restrict her actions. Lucas didn't want to do that which made Anton to be frowned a bit out of worry but he didn't protest more, though as Anton was the one who respected the actions of the people he served.

And Lucas had no doubt that the news would reach his father sooner and later, knowing how Anton always reported to his master. He braced himself for the future lecture from his father, just hoping that he would at least let Lucas keep Tus and Eura by his side.

Lucas closed the door of his room, not letting Alisa come inside as he needed to recall about Eura from the novel. He opened his usual notebook which he named 'Scattered memory about novel' and prepared himself to write down what he remembered.

'Eura, from what I remembered, is a woman from a bear tribe who hated humans so much that she allied with the demons and spread her powers to destroy humanity.' Lucas twitched his eyes. 'In order words, she is one of the villains that Ryosuke had to fight....'

Lucas recalled that Eura greatly despised humans as they killed her family even when her family and her village was neutral one. Her hatred was reduced a bit when she met a boy on the slave cart which she felt attached to like a brother but again, she despised all the humans when the boy was killed by the slave holders. Although she asked for help no one was helping her and she was disgusted by humans.

'It was not surprising to react like that, though...' And Lucas really sympathized with her, although her actions were ruthless and even when she was killed by Ryosuke, her last words were that she was happy because she would be able to meet her family and the boy in afterlife.

'So.... if Eura I saved was the same Eura and Tus was the boy that Eura treasured, she shouldn't turn into a villainess anymore, right?'

Lucas chuckled a bit as he hoped that he saved the same Eura, thinking that he could at least rescue a potential tragic villain from her death flag. And he also couldn't wait to see how Ryosuke would react to Eura when he got back from his studies as his big brother Ryo could be filled with excitement when he saw people similar to fantasy characters.