Tus & Eura (2)

On the same evening, Lucas visited Tus and Eura, together with Ryosuke who had just finished his lessons and was groaning as usual. As they entered the room, they were greeted with a bow, this time from both Tus and Eura.

"I told you already that you don't have to bow like that." Lucas sighed. It seemed that Tus lectured Eura to behave politely, though it was not that essential.

"We can't do that! You are the one who saved us and even freed us! How could we be impolite to such a person!"

Seeing how Tus reacted seriously made Lucas touch his forehead in embarrassment. He wondered how he could reduce their politeness.

But Lucas realized that they both got tense when they saw Ryosuke, the newcomer who was gazing at them in awe. Actually, Ryosuke was amazed by the cuteness of Eura's bear ears, even forgetting about the fact that most of the bear tribe members were their enemies.

"Brother Ryo, if you stare like that, little Eura will be afraid, ok?"

Lucas's words resulted in Ryosuke saying sorry as he laughed nervously, Eura crying out that she was not afraid and Tus cracking a smile. The atmosphere lightened up in a second which even surprised Lucas.

"I am Ryosuke Harada! Nice to meet you guys! You guys looked so much better within a day! That's great."

Tus and Eura were relieved by Ryosuke's active behavior without any criticism. They even kind of thought that everyone in the mansion would be able to judge on facts.

"Are you not freaking out or getting disgusted like other people do?" Eura asked in disbelief. All of the people she had met until now, even those men felt disgusted when they saw her ears after all.

"Hmm.... not really. Actually some people in my hometown might even be over excited to see you. And Lucas also didn't warn me with anything so I believe you are a trustable sort."

Everyone in the room looked at Ryosuke like 'if Lucas told you to do something, would you do that no matter what?'

"Now, let's discuss your job description here. Are you sure you don't want to leave the mansion?"


The answer that came from both Tus and Eura made Lucas grin a bit. He really didn't want to see them leave but at the same time he also didn't want to force them to stay. After asking them what they wanted to do, Lucas finally reached a conclusion and he also negotiated with Anton and Alisa as some of their help was essential.

"So, for now, you two will be working in this mansion as a butler and maid in training. At the same time you will also be learning how to use your strength and mana." In the following day, Lucas finally got them their work and schedule.

As Lucas had asked, Tus and Eura were nodding earnestly with their eyes sparkling. Actually, Lucas was not planning for them to fight along with Ryosuke in the future or accompany him in case of battles so he asked whether they wanted to learn how to fight or not. But at the same time, having strength of your own was also an advantage so he just asked their opinion of learning which they agreed without hesitation.

Eura got a cute hat with a string to tie under her chin in order to cover her ears and fortunately her small tail could be covered by her dress easily as she had always done. Lucas planned to keep the identity of Eura secret for now as most people working in the mansion might freak out when they knew they had to work together with someone from a bear tribe. Not everyone had an open and understanding opinion, especially if it was related with tribes allied with demons. Well, it was not their fault for being too scared, though.

Lucas asked Anton to help Tus have basic lessons of butlers and Alisa for Eura which Lucas was glad that they both agreed to help, even when knowing Eura's identity. It seemed that they also wanted to keep Eura under watch for Lucas's safety. For the room, Tus would be living in the servant quarter for boys while Eura got to have a small room by herself. At least she should be able to sleep without worrying about her identity getting exposed.

The following few days were really peaceful and everything went on as usual. Lucas training on his healing proficiency with plants was also going well. Ryosuke was also getting more familiar with the traditions and magic of this world while Tus and Eura were also doing well in their daily life. It was so peaceful that Lucas even forgot he had to explain the situation to his father once he got back to the capital mansion from Evandall city.

He also got monthly letters from Edwin and Maria in which they asked him how he was doing and whether he was ok to stay in the capital or not. Seriously, the worries and concerns of this twins often made Lucas smile unconsciously, enjoying reading them and eagerly replying to them. Of course, he left out the recent situations as if they knew that someone from the bear tribe was near Lucas, they would immediately run back to him and make him kick Eura away.

During these few days, Lucas was able to find out the ages of Tus and Eura, making him frown in surprise.

'Seriously? Tus is already 15 years old!??? Why was he so small!?' Lucas still couldn't believe Tus's age. He already thought that Tus might be 13 years old at most by looking at his mature behavior and also his height but this was proved him to be wrong.

What surprised him more was that Eura was already 14 years old! She was older than Lucas while their height and body proportion were almost the same. From the books, Lucas knew that beast people were slow at aging and they lived twice the age of humans. But Lucas never realized that the difference would be this much and now he just wanted to hit his head to the wall for treating Eura like a kid while she was like almost seven years older than Lucas.

'They seriously need to eat properly to grow more!!!' Lucas decided that he might have to give some work to the chef although he felt a bit sorry.

For the training, Lucas acted like a guide to Tus and Eura as guiding was one of the biggest hobbies and proficiencies for Lucas. He read through many books, self-learned them and guided others even when there were no instructors as long as it was not physical ones. For example, he could easily figure out how the mana fusion for swords work but he didn't really excel his skills in swordsmanship by himself.

Lucas really did have nothing much to explain or tell to Eura as she was someone from a bear tribe. The mana that worked for beast people were not that same with that of humans. Actually all the beast people could only use one type of mana which was physical alteration. They could easily enhance their strength and manipulate their body into something stronger and more durable.

They could also grow their nails and hairs, like Eura did to the slave holder. But except for that they could use nothing. But they didn't have that much of a disadvantage though when compared to humans as their physical enhancement was already strong enough to rival the one using magic if one practiced properly. Thus, Lucas decided to enhance the ability of Eura by making her stay in her enhancement state as much as she could, slowly trying to increase her ability through practice. He even let her spar with Ryosuke if both of them agreed to, benefiting both parties, making sure that none of them exceeded their limit as mana exhaustion was crucial no matter what type of being one was.

A different case went to Tus as Tus was an elemental wielder; his mana being mainly to be focused on wind type. It was really fortunate that Tus knew what his mana type was because if not, Lucas and Tus had to go through the trouble of trying at least one basic form for each and every type of magic without the help of chants and circles.

Lucas also had to make materials for Tus to learn and research from, guiding him and giving suggestions when using the magic. Unexpectedly, Tus was surprisingly good at controlling his wind magic and he could even use third cycle wind magic without much effort, and in addition he was also literate which even made Lucas too curious about his identity. Normally, one wouldn't have this type of knowledge if one didn't come from average or higher ranked families or if one was too studious and a genius fast learner. He wanted to ask where Tus lived or what he did before but Lucas controlled himself to make Tus say about his past when he felt ready himself.

It was already evening when Lucas met with Tus in the corridor of the mansion's ground. Tus, as usual, greeted Lucas in a very polite manner, resulting in Lucas's sigh which was already countless by now.

"How are you doing with Anton, Tus?"

"It was going well! Although he is a bit strict, he explains and gives instructions very well!"

It was such a relief for Lucas to see Tus in a relief manner. He was really worried that Anton's lectures might be too heavy for Tus.

"By the way, Master Lucas, I feel really thankful that you saved us but it was such a dangerous thing to do.... To follow a stranger without any proper guards... it was really not a wise thing to do."

Lucas was caught off-guard by this sudden lecture from Tus. He had never seen Tus to start the conversation during the two weeks since they had arrived in this mansion, and Tus speaking up to give a lesson to Lucas? It was really unexpected.

"Yes, I know." Lucas just smiled, being glad by this sudden improvement. He did not like Tus making a big difference between their statuses and it really did create some awkward situation for Lucas. 'By the way, is he seriously telling that Ryosuke was not enough?'

"I hope, so..... Next time, don't do that please. Always check the identity of the person that asks you to help and always take trustable guards with you."

Tus believed that Lucas was a selfless person who really cared about other people more than he cared about himself. And he was also worried that such a kind person might someday be tricked by someone and be dragged to his downfall. Of course, he would make sure Lucas didn't face such a situation and even if he did he would always stick to this angelic person and help him till Tus's last breath. But no matter what, he didn't want this person to be tricked or betrayed for his kind and pure personality. He knew best how it felt to be betrayed.

"I know I know! Don't worry Tus. I can take care of it" Lucas was starting to feel that Tus was a little bit different from before, his eyes were a lot calmer but a mixture of sadness could be seen although he was smiling.

"Yes, master Lucas!" Tus seemed to be satisfied after saying those words and excused himself but before he left he again said "Thank you master Lucas! I don't think I might be able to live well if it is not with your help! Eura is thankful to you, too, although she may not show it!"

Lucas just nodded as Tus left him in the corridor. Looking at his back, Lucas somehow felt a little bit of loneliness. Maybe it was because of the rays of sun that spreaded the corridor at sunset.


At the end of the week, the time that Lucas was afraid most had come. His dear father, Duke Cassius, was now visiting the capital mansion and not long after his arrival, Lucas was summoned to his office.

"Lucas, mind explaining your recent actions?" His speech was short as usual but one could see he was demanding answers with strong supporting facts.

Lucas gulped down while looking at his father's eyes. He felt like he ran out of words even before explaining.

'Damn.....' Lucas groaned internally. 'It would be much better if father didn't have that scary cold glare...'

But Lucas had to go this straight on. Even if he had to be punished, he would greatly accept it as he did not regret what he had done.

"Well, father....." As Lucas started, he instantly knew that it was going to be a long day.