The Invitation

"So, you are saying that you just mindlessly go into the black market without waiting for your guard just because a girl, who you don't even know the identity of, begged you to save her brother?"

Lucas explained what happened recently without leaving out anything, even the fact that he didn't wait for Carl. At first he thought about leaving some facts or even lying to his father but he didn't want to do that as he thought it would be much better if it was cleared out earlier. He also felt that his father would be able to figure it out sooner or later, considering his loyal subjects.

Cassius let out his words one by one which made the atmosphere to be more colder than before and his gaze making Lucas shivered in anxiety.

"Yes, father….." Lucas felt that his father's glare was deadlier than before.

'He wouldn't take away my permission to go out forever, right?'

"And the girl is from the bear tribe?"

"Yes…. But actually, she is not from the side of demons! She is neutral and it was the hunters that mistook her group!" Lucas rushed without even noticing that he raised his voice, wishing that whatever god there was, to bless him with luck so that Cassius would listen to him but only to be stopped dumbfoundedly when Cassius started to talk, again.

"I know."

"What?" Lucas was speechless. 'What the heck does he mean by 'I KNOW'???' He just looked at his father, not knowing exactly what he meant.

"Do you seriously think that I would let two unknown strangers, especially when one is from a bear tribe, be close to you without any information?" Cassius lifted an eyebrow, looking at his son, who was in a state of confusion.

"Ah… no, you won't." If one thought carefully, there was no doubt that his father would never let it happen when there was Anton who would be reporting him all the time. 'Then, does he mean he knew the origin of Eura? Did he get the information from the slave holders?'

Lucas imagined that it might be difficult and troubling to go through one's background, especially those from the slave markets because there was no record of background for the slaves so one had to go through only by asking around and collecting the right information. But he realized the person in front of him was Cassius, the one who did whatever he wanted almost all the time. If it was Cassius, it was possible.

But he didn't understand why his father would go through all this trouble when he could simply order Lucas to let go of Tus and Eura. It was not a difficult matter to do so.

"Umm, father…. So you knew that Eura was from a neutral group so do you also know that hunters that attacked them? I think they should be punished severely."

"This matter is related to the first prince Albert and second prince Eldric. I don't know if you might understand this but the competition between them has been very severe since the king hasn't chosen who will be his heir, yet." Cassius started to answer while looking like he was kind of annoyed.

"Lately, Prince Eldric was attempting to get good relationships with the neutral groups and that girl's group was the first one he got close to. But somehow, Prince Albert learned of this plan and tried to interfere. His aim was to break the relationships and so it seemed that he encouraged and made some greedy hunters to attack that group's base."

Lucas couldn't believe what he had just heard. Just because Albert didn't like Eldric, he just made someone innocent to become victims? Was he that much of a tyrant?

"Prince Eldric also tried to save them with everything he could but when they got there, they were late. I didn't realize that the girl you bought would be one of them. Well, it was just complicating matters between the two princes so it might be too confusing for your age."

Lucas, of course, instantly knew what his father meant. In this world, it didn't really matter whether you were a first son or not in order to be an heir. Gender also didn't really matter, either. As long as one could prove they were worthy of the position and got their predecessor, then that was ok. In the Evandall family, Edwin was the heir of Cassius's position even though Maria was older because Maria gave up the position, saying that she wanted to become an advisor instead. That really did save Cassius from making hard choices, though.

And as stated in the novel, Prince Albert and Prince Eldric were always rivals to each other. Actually, Prince Albert's mother was the Queen Margaret while Price Eldric's was just a concubine, Lady Euphimia. Well, if the situations were normal, Prince Albert was more likely to become the crown prince but his ruthless personality was becoming the bottleneck. On the other hand, although Prince Eldric was a son from a concubine, his intelligence and soft personality caught the interests of the ministers to support him.

At first, Prince Eldric didn't have any desire to get the throne but as the times passed, the threats for himself and his mother's safety became bigger. It seemed that Queen Magarent also held a sense of jealousy towards Lady Euphimia. And finally the words from the ministers, especially those who wanted to control Prince Eldric became an impulsion for him to join the throne game, making the two factions emerge, each supporting its respective prince.

But if one asked who was the best choice for the throne, Lucas would say 'no one.' Why? Because Prince Albert was too much of a tyrant that the kingdom would be breaking down if he was crowned and Prince Eldric would be too much of a softie whom corrupted ministers would target to manipulate.

'But Prince Eldric would be a much better choice if he had a good guide or advisor for him, though….' Lucas always thought that the matters inside the royal families were always complicated, both in the fictions and in the real world so he was preparing to stay away from the royal family as much as he could. Better to be safe than sorry, right?

In the novel, it was Prince Albert who became the crown prince, supported by Lucas' dear brother Edwin. At that time Prince Eldric and Ryosuke had a close relationship and that made Edwin, who despised Ryosuke and blamed him for Maria's death, joined hands with Prince Albert, making the other two to be in difficult positions.

'Wait… where was Cassius at that time? I was sure he wouldn't just sit and watch Edwin without doing anything?' Of course, the novel didn't state about neither Albert's coronation nor who became the king at the end because even before the coronation, Ryosuke started to destroy the kingdom.

"And make that girl's identity a secret like you did as there might be some problems when Prince Albert learns of this." Cassius reminded Lucas in a serious manner.

Lucas knew why his father was like that. Because the Evandall family, which was a family of swordmasters, were solely for protecting the kingdom and rarely involved in politics. No matter who became the king, it was the Evandall family's duty to protect the kingdom. In other words, it was a neutral one.

Despite the explanation, there was one thing that Lucas still didn't understand so he just went straight into the question.

"Father, can I know why you let me keep Eura near me? I thought you would…. umm... drive them away from me." Lucas just hoped that his father would be patient enough to answer.

"Well,....." Cassius started with a sigh. "It was because of Prince Eldric. He requested me to look after Eura, who was the sole survivor and I also owed their family a favor so I thought it would be best to keep her under my watch."

"Ah, I see…. Thank you, father!"

'I think even people like Cassius can owe people, then….' Lucas had always featured Cassius as a cold introverted man who did not like socialization stuff but lately he seemed like he was not exactly similar to what Lucas had imagined. Maybe was it Stacia's death that changed him?

"By the way, don't think that I have forgotten about your reckless actions. Do you know how dangerous it was? Especially the black market. Lucas, I know that you can manage well and you are brighter than most children at your age but that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want. You are grounded for two months as your punishment, understand?"

"Yes, father." Lucas held himself back from smiling.

'Grounded for only two months!? Wow, that was lighter than I expected.' Actually, Lucas was preparing himself to protest if he was grounded in the mansion forever or if he was told to go back to Evandall. His father's final punishment almost made him sigh in relief.

"That doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want when you go out again." Cassius glared sharply again as if he figured out what Lucas was thinking.

"Of course, father! I really really won't do it again."

Lucas immediately agreed, of course. He also knew that his actions were so reckless but at that time seeing the little girl, she really reminded Lucas of 'Nway Oo' who was the little sister he had in his last life. Even now, he wondered how his little cute and mischievous Nway Oo would be doing and growing up everytime he saw Eura.

"And there is also another problem…"

Lucas was preparing to excuse himself as he thought his father would not have anything to say more but he was proved wrong. 'Damn… I really don't want to hear the word 'problem'....'

"There is an upcoming birthday banquet for Prince Eldric in two months…" Cassius picked up something that seemed like two white envelopes.

"Normally, Edwin and Maria always attend such occasions but now the prince also wants you and Ryosuke to attend. Ryosuke had to attend but you don't need to go if you don't want to."

'Wait….? Did he say a birthday banquet!?'

'Haha...I think the female lead is starting to show up….' There was an occasion where Ryosuke met his future girlfriend of this world. It was love at first sight for Ryosuke, not for the female lead but the occasion was where they got noticed by each other.

'Her name was...… ah, I think it was Stella'

"I think I will also attend, father! I mean I haven't never been to such a banquet so I am quite curious!" Of course, how could Lucas miss the scene of Ryosuke and Stella dancing together! He would be like watching a show in the first seat.

Cassius didn't deny his answer. In addition, Lucas was more than delighted to know Edwin would also be there for the socialization so all he needed to do was to play around and have fun. That was such a rare chance, too!

Lucas was then given the white envelopes and instantly, he realized that they were the invitation letters to the banquet. What surprised him most was that there was the seal of the king on the envelope which stated that it was not the prince but the king's order to attend the banquet.

'Does the king want to make us close with the Royal family members!? And won't it be a problem if I don't show up even when the king tells me to…..?'

Without understanding his father's actions, Lucas excused himself from the room. He was surprised to see Ryosuke at the door once he was out.

"Lucas, did you get scolded a lot!? What is your punishment!?" Ryosuke asked him anxiously, waiting for his answers.

"Nope. It wasn't harsh! And I had something exciting to tell you!" Lucas smiled earnestly, handing one envelope to Ryosuke.

Ryosuke just looked at the envelope, looking what was this intended to but felt a sense of some confusion when Lucas stated.

"We have a wonderful banquet to attend, Brother Ryo!"

Lucas cracked a smile with satisfaction.

'And also meeting with your future girlfriend!'

He couldn't wait to see the expressions of Ryosuke who doesn't have any romance-experience when he met with Stella.