The Disguise (2)

"Lucas, I don't think this is a good idea….."

"Master, shouldn't we bring Sir Carl along, too…"

It was not the first time that Tus and Eura asked Lucas these questions. Ever since Lucas had stated out his plan of going to Ereck town on his own to convince Walter, all Tus and Eura stated was it was not a great thing to do so.

"As I have told you, if Carl knows, he will never allow me to do this and it will reach to father's ears sooner or later."

'And he will also realize how I fooled him earlier so it is a big no no!' Lucas realized that low chance of Carl following him, obediently and it would bring out more trouble if Carl noticed that sneaking route and in addition, how he had lied to him.

Lucas's words made the two stop again, following him quietly.

'After all I have done to persuade them,.....'

Lucas sighed as he had heard so many lectures and buggings even before they had headed out which would only stop after he had lowered himself begging them to help him for once. Lucas was surprised how much effect that action had as it shook them pretty much, making them agree with his actions even though they were reluctant to do so.

Even if Tus and Eura were still reluctant, they were already outside of the mansion through Lucas's route in sneaking out, feeling that this tunnel was one of the places they should keep watch in the future. What would they do if Lucas went out alone without telling anyone. And at the same time they were really surprised with how loose of a security with this tunnel which gave them more reason to keep watch. It seemed that no one in the mansion knew about this.

'I am really sinful for this whole day….'

Looking at the two following behind him, Lucas didn't even want to count how many times he did lie today, and he felt that he should probably apologize to all his victims after this is over, especially to Carl.

The night sky was very clear, and the town was quiet as it was not the time when most people went out. But as they walked towards the teleportation building, they could still see some lights and noise in some restaurants.

"Will teleportation service still work?" Eura murmured as it was past 10 pm that they left the mansion. Technically, it was the time Lucas usually went to bed so the best time to go out without alerting anyone.

"It will, I guess." Lucas had already asked about their opening hours, to which they replied that it was a 24/7 service. A really convenient one which made Lucas really glad.

Their quiet steps finally reached their destination, gaining some kind of stares they got from the staff. But there was no other problem as they stated their destination and paid the fees. Late night travels could also happen, right?

"Wait, aren't you the boy from this afternoon?"

Suddenly, Lucas felt like a thunder had shot to his head as he heard some familiar voice. And as he looked up he could see the women who handled his transportation to Sansa earlier this day as he internally cursed.

'Should she be taking a rest now!?' Lucas didn't expect that she would also be taking night shifts here, and instantly sensing that someone or maybe two was glaring strongly from behind as his throat felt like it began to dry up.

"Umm,...I think you mistake me for someone else."

'Dear aunty, don't spill out! Know the atmosphere, please!'

"Oh, how could I? It is already rare to see a young child travelling around alone. So how is Sansa? Have you already met your sister? Oh, are they your siblings?"

'Ah, fu*k..' Lucas almost let out those words from his mouth as he really wanted to close her mouth with a tape, although it didn't exist here, or a cloth if it was possible.

The woman looked at Tus and Eura, believing that it had to be little boy's siblings and so, not noticing that her every word created a vicious glare from some bear lady and another glare from the tall blonde boy for poor Lucas.

Lucas managed to squeeze out a nervous smile and tried to shift away but unfortunately the woman had too good of a memory and too loose of a tongue. He started to consider telling his father that they should probably introduce a strict GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) to these staff, especially to this woman.

"Lucas, I think we need to talk after this."

Lucas heard a chilling whisper from his side, noticing that it was none other than Eura. Although she was wearing a hood, just like Lucas, her smile which seemed to be soft but at the same time gave a scarier feeling, was visible enough for Lucas.

And aside from Eura, he heard that the gaze became stronger and stronger from above, too, not daring to look up and realizing that he needed more cover when he went out again. Just wearing a hooded robe was not enough.

"Madam, can you please teleport us quickly to Ereck town? Because we are in a kind of rush."

Tus interfered finally, already figuring out the situation and also believing that he should probably talk to his little master as soon as he could. He really could never figure out his master. Really.

"Of course, of course. Ok then, have a fun trip kids."

Lucas had never thought that he would be this irritated with a smiling woman, who also didn't seem to have a bad nature and at the same time he couldn't imagine the coming lectures that he would receive, especially from Tus, who seemed like he wouldn't be able to scold Lucas well but could able to make Lucas's ears explode just from his polite reasonings.

A familiar sensation came as they teleported but Lucas didn't have some exciting or enjoyable feeling as usual, thanks to a certain woman.

As they entered the town, they could see some livelier atmosphere compared to Evandall city, being the town where hunters, in which most of them enjoyed the night life more, usually visited.

"So…. Do you still remember the house? Can someone lead the way?" Lucas wanted to enjoy the nightlife, too but he understood it was not the time and thought it was better to follow behind. Even if he led, he didn't know the house, did he.

"Yes, master. This way please."

As Lucas had expected, it was Tus who handled the leading with Eura accompanying him from the side. He was glad that these two weren't demanding answers from him right away.

And along the way they could see some knights which made Lucas have a chilling spine now and then. If he properly thought about it, his dear brother was also in Ereck city which made him wonder why his family would be everywhere he visited.

And he dearly and sincerely wished that he wouldn't have to visit the capital where his father was, when he had to find the veteran.

"This is the house, master"

As Lucas's steps were halted when he heard Tus and realized that he was in front of a one-story house which was not too big or not too small. And he waited as Tus knocked the door slowly.

At first, Lucas had thought that Walter had already fallen asleep because they didn't get a response for a while but he could only sigh in relief when he finally heard the door click open.

"Umm,..... do you need some help?"

The middle-aged man asked as he yawned a bit and with his dark brown hair being messy, it stated that he had just got out of the bed which made the trio feel guilty a bit, especially Lucas who was, at the same time, afraid that karma would someday strike him back for all the deeds he did today.

"Yes, actually we do." Lucas replied, making the man a little surprised. Everyone would be surprised that one young man and two children, who were in hooded robes, would suddenly knock on the door near midnight, asking for help.

Lucas's eyes played around to the surroundings a bit, to know whether there were some other people around them or not and when he finally knew that there was literally no one on his silent street, he lowered his hood. And Tus and Eura also did lower their hoods down.

"Can you please let us in, sir." Lucas smiled a bit, hoping that Walter would remember him well.

And as he had expected, Walter's sleepy eyes widened in surprise, not expecting to see the youngest son of the duke, here.

Of course, Walter remembered the other two as well. How could he forget those two whose eyes looked like their world had crumbled when they came to find him together with Brook, his friend, asking to help this little master.

"Please, come in, young master." He made way for Lucas, in confusion. But he couldn't let this little boy to just stand outside, without letting him in, could he.

"Although it is a bit humble, take a seat here."

"Thank you!"

'Wow, he is completely opposite of Brook….' Lucas thought, looking at that polite man and instantly comparing him to a certain teacher as he took a seat, with Tus and Eura standing behind in the living room which was really neat and tidy.

"Shall I brew some tea?" Walter asked, wondering if a child would drink tea and would it affect his sleep when he drank tea so late but he couldn't help it as all the drink he had was just tea after all.

"No, it is ok, sir. I just want to talk a bit with you."

"Ok, then…" Walter also took a seat, gazing at the small child in front of him, being confused why he had to visit him at this late night.

"Is it related to the cases in Ereck forest? Brook visited me this morning but I thought only Lord Edwin was here to investigate. But I didn't expect to see you would also be coming along, young master."

At first, Walt even wondered if Lucas got lost or separated from his brother but looking at the two behind him, it seemed that it was not the case. But why would they bring him to such a place in the first place?

"It is not related to Ereck forest." Lucas shook his head. "Actually, I have something that I personally want to request."

"I don't know if I will be able to fulfill it or not but I will at least listen. But forgive me if I can't fulfill your will."

'Wow, he has a thick wall here….'

Lucas instantly understood that Walter drew a line, indicating that he also was not someone who would be willing to follow the orders easily, which made him recall a certain teacher. But Lucas was glad that the man sitting before him gave him seriousness and attention to his words carefully, ignoring the fact that he was a child. Technically, he was a polite version of Brook.

"Have you ever heard of the demon's curse?"

"I have." Walter answered as he wondered about this topic which he hadn't heard for a long time. He prayed that this little master would not come to him just to ask about this curse which he, later, thought that it was really impossible.

"That curse is currently happening in Sansa, a city in our territory." Lucas gazed at Walter as he jumped to the topic.

He had expected that Walter would also be someone who would think simply that this curse was something that only existed in legends. Just like most of the other people he had met. But Lucas ensured himself that it was not a problem even if Walter thought like that in the first place because he believed that he would be able to get him to listen somehow.

But unlike he had expected, Lucas noticed that the atmosphere got a little bit heavy and he instantly realized that it was because of the sharp dark blue eyes of Walter looking at him, somehow, fiercely.

"It is not something to joke about, young master." Walter slowly said as he gazed at the child before him.

"I would be very glad if it was the case but I am not joking about this, sir."

Lucas, firmly, replied as some time of quietness passed by, making, somehow, the atmosphere in this little cozy place became more tense than before.

"How is the exact situation in Sansa?"

And after a few seconds of nothing, Walter started to ask the question.