The Disguise (3)

It didn't take that long to explain things that Lucas knew about the current situations happening in Sansa and to his surprise, Walter did really listen attentively and about the nature of the curse, including the fact that it was just an incurable disease.

Walter held his forehead as Lucas had finished his small talk and he blew out the air as if he was trying to calm his mind down and looked at Lucas, not believing the situation.

"Are you sure about this? Do you realize that you are talking about something that only happens in the stories."

"I am, sir. There is also no other disease similar to such symptoms. And it is not something that only exists in stories. I assure you of that."

Lucas firmly said, his mind believing the fact that Walter somehow knew about this curse even though he was saying that it was only related to stories. And he liked how Walter was giving serious consideration about this topic, wondering that it would normally be a little bit difficult to make other healers believe this.

Seeing that Walter was quiet for a while as if he was thinking something deeply, Lucas decided to wait in silence, too. He had the whole night and he felt no need to rush in this case.

"And what do you want to ask of me, Young master?" After a few seconds, Walter started again, paying careful attention to what Lucas would say. "I'm sure that you didn't come here just to explain that to me."

"Ah, yes. Actually, I want you to help out in this case. Like becoming a healer handling this case." Lucas earned a surprised look from Walter but nonetheless, he continued. "People are starting to assume that this is the curse and when this disease starts to spread like a haywire, they will be overwhelmed by panic."

"And I'm afraid that they will try to execute the ones with the disease." Lucas was afraid of this most. The more they killed, the more contact they had with the victims and the cycle continued. And it was really pitiful for the patients, too, which was why he wanted to control this situation so much earlier.

"As the stories suggest so…"

"Yes. That's why I want to ask you to become a public figure who knows the correct way to handle that disease and control the crowd."

Remembering that the stories stated the curse could be eliminated completely by burning the people with the curse. It was not wrong. Burning people could make this disease disappear as the body disappeared, too but that was only if the patients lacked contact with other people. And Lucas still couldn't think what kind of gruesome idiot suggested this method and added those in stories.

"Have you already informed the duke?"

"No. Not yet. My sister should have already gotten the warning this evening but no one knew the details, yet."

"And why are you telling me about this? I mean, when you are not even telling your family? And I believe that the Duke family will have more expert healers than me."

Walter already felt strange since the start when this child came to find him near midnight. He might even believe if Lucas had said that he came together with his brother and such but this child coming here was not related neither with his brother's visit nor Brook's visit. And he was sure that Lucas also did not inform this visit to his family, too. There was more possibility that he came here secretly.

In addition, he didn't understand why this child would go to so much trouble just to come find him. It was not like he knew Lucas really well, either. They only met for a few minutes and it was a month ago. And he started to wonder if the culprit to spark this child to look for him was Brook.

"Hmmm…" Actually, Lucas didn't really know how to answer this at first but he decided to be honest this time. He had lied too many times today and he didn't want to sugarcoat his answers.

"Among the healers, I only know you."

It was really the truth. Lucas hadn't met any of the other healers in this world. And Walter came immediately into his mind when he thought about healers that he could trust.

"And I kind of have a hunch that you can be trusted. You are also my teacher's friend and I believe that his friends will be good and reliable!"

'That is if the book describing Brook's personality is true!' Lucas thought as he took that risk which he didn't like to do a lot. Lucas hated to take the risks because they lacked certainty. Or so he thought when he was in his past life.

"And for your second question, I just don't want to be considered strange." Lucas definitely knew that many questions would be popped up from his family once he revealed those facts and they would definitely want to know why he had known all of this. If it was a stranger, he could just simply shoved him off, without answering.

But he wondered if he could do it with his family who had contact with him the most. And he somehow felt guilty when having to lie to them and felt a certain insecurity, believing the fact that he was just a transmigrator who was taking the place of the real Lucas because of some god.

'Wait,.... So this boy didn't know?' Walter definitely believed that it had to be Brook who spilled the beans but listening to the child in front of him but judging by Lucas's words, he now sure that he just came here on his hunch which made Walter to be more and more confused and surprised.

"So, can you please help me and act in my place?" Lucas pleaded as he needed to execute the plan sooner or later. The more he delayed it, the more patients that the disease would create which was why he was sacrificing his sleep.

Walter fell into silence for a second. It was not that he didn't want to help. If it meant that he would be able to save a lot of people with his action, he would do that. And it was not a case he could ignore. Not after all that happened in the past which made him want to participate more. But he was in awe with Lucas. He couldn't understand this child who was saying as if he knew of the future.

"Will you?" Lucas asked again, thinking whether it was going to be 'no' since he took too long to answer.

"I will. It is not like I can ignore it either."

"Great!" Lucas was so glad that he instantly had to hold back the urge to jump out from happiness. But then the next words made him stunned a bit in an instant.

"I think the Alohara plants are worth giving a try." Walter murmured in his own world which caught Lucas's interest.

"What did you just say?"

'Wait… no one is supposed to know about this. Not right now, at least.' Lucas widened his eyes as he looked at Walter.

"Oh, yea. I am not sure if you know this but Alohara plants can help to slow down the disease. So we can probably help the patients with this."

'Of course, it does because it helps you reconstruct the mana flow!' And it was only when Lucas realized that Walter didn't ask any questions related with how this curse was called disease or how to control it and such. Lucas was stunned a bit as he came to know that Walter somehow knew one or two facts about this.


"I also don't know. I just found it in some notes of my teacher. He is not here anymore, though."

Looking at Walter's gaze, Lucas thought it was possible that his teacher would be already dead or so which was why he was silent for a few seconds before moving to the next question, asking Walter whether he left more notes about it or not.

But unfortunately to Lucas, it seemed that the said teacher did not leave too much to use. ANd just that the disease could not be met with magic and only some plants were useful to delay its effects. And even Walter didn't know why Alohara plants were used in the first place.

"But why healing magic cannot be used?"

"It is because the disease's main effect is on the mana flow."

'It is no use in keeping things.' Lucas already decided that Walter would be the main figure to control the crowd so he felt that this man also should know the things he knew, making Walter listen to every of his words in awe.

"Because it is destroying the mana flow in one's body. And the patient has a large amount of mana, he will be more likely to die first. And it is sensitive to external mana, like healing magic. Pouring the magic in will only make the disease double up its effect. The stronger, the faster. But plants like Alohara can help because it helps you reconstruct your own mana by itself."

"So, the ones with more mana are prone to suffer more?"

"Yes. But people with a low mana amount, so low that it is similar to someone not having mana, may survive from it. Because their body can handle the absence of mana."

The main problem was the bodies of humans here cannot live anymore without mana which became almost part of its body system. And people who had a mana strong enough that the disease couldn't even spark a corruption would also survive. But Lucas believed that that kind of person would only be Ryosuke.

If Lucas didn't know this world was a real one, he would curse at how strong the plot armor of Ryosuke was but now he knew it was not just a novel world, he would just say he just had one hell of a luck.

"Any cure!? Is there any cure for this, too?"

"Of course, when the healer has a faster healing rate than the disease's speed of corrupting the patient's mana flow, it is curable but the speed is simply impossible unless you are a miracle creator. And plants cannot help too cause they only help you to reconstruct your mana to a certain extent."

Imagining a tug of war between the healing magic and the disease, Lucas sighed inwardly.

'And there is also the elixir that elves possess but it can only help for like 2 or 3 people….'

Walter felt a little bit hopeful as Lucas knew too much of the information but now his hope was down because Lucas also didn't know other cures except the ones he stated. But for now he should be glad that he knew exact ways to take control of the disease, though.

"But how do you know all of this?" Walter started to consider whether Lucian was giving this child visions or not. It was not that strange when you had a friend who tended to have some visions like that.

"I also just read from some books. I will explain to you thoroughly about that later." Then Lucas prepared to leave as he had completed what he had come to do. "I am going to go now. I hope you come to help Sansa as soon as you can. Does the teleportation service still work at night?"

"Yes, it does. But wait? Are you seriously going back like this? This late? Why don't you stay at my home for today and leave early in the morning?"

Even though Lucas had two guardians behind him, Walter didn't want to let him go late at night. Seriously, did the young aristocrats always act like this? He didn't know. One thing that was sure was that he hadn't seen a child like this.

"It would be troubling if they find out I am not at home so it is better to leave as soon as I can. Don't worry. Tus and Eura are really reliable!"

"Ok, then. I will leave for Sansa in the early morning and try to handle it. And just call me Walt next time. Sir seemed too strange to be called."

"That's great to leave early! I am sure that big sister Maria would be happy to have someone like you to support!"

Walter sent the trio to the entrance, still feeling hard to believe that all the things that happened in one conversation and all the knowledge he acquired in it.

"By the way, what were you going to do if I didn't decide to help you?"

It was one of the questions that Walter wanted to ask to this kid who came here just with a hunch. And also at midnight, at that. His questions made the child's steps to be still again and looked back at him.

Lucas also did think about it. Thought about what he was going to do if Walter didn't help.

"I will just probably go straight to my sister then."

It was the truth. He set that tonight was the deadline to pitch Walter and he didn't want to delay more. If Walter didn't agree, he would go to Maria immediately and explained everything he knew. Whether this family thought it strange or not, he could just think about the solution later.

For which Lucas was a person who sometimes tended to do things first and worried about it later.

And he believed that at least it would not be as bad as bringing a disaster upon his territory and at worst case, his kingdom.