To the Guidance (2)

"Young master, welcome back to the mansion."

Lucas almost flinched at such a welcoming voice since he was not expecting to see the stuff waiting for his arrival. He thought that his visit would be not that known because it happened so quickly but it seemed that Edwin informed them beforehand.

"Ah, yes. It's good to be back."

'Never thought I had to come back here so quickly.'

It was true. Lucas expected to step back into the capital again for his academy application and enrollment which would be coming in two years. And now it was only over a week and he was back again, far from his expectation.

As he stepped into the mansion, he took a glimpse that the people in the mansion were also distancing themselves for a while according to the order of the duke which made him relieved a bit. But a few concerns still existed in a corner of his mind for the possibility of the existence of people who stayed like they didn't care unless they were infected.

'I would avoid curing them if I could just know who those careless people are!'

And as far as Lucas had known, all other territories were still on the green stage and it was only Evandall who was having a large number of patients. That was why Lucas's head was not on fire because he still believed that it could be controlled well as long as there was no unusual activity that would lead to a worse situation.

But that didn't mean that Lucas could take his time as he wanted. There might be people who were on critical stage so the faster he got a familiar, the better it was.

"Master, are you finding something again? Can I help?"

Tus being considerate as he always did, he asked while following the young master whose steps were like leaping towards the library. Unlike Eura who already got an outline of what Lucas was trying to do, the young butler didn't know why this child headed straight there as soon as he had arrived.

'What is he trying to do again?' Lately, Tus was starting to get a feeling of something was up when Lucas visited a library or stayed cooped up in his own room.

"Ah, Tus can you please bring me a map of the capital?" Lucas was surprised, questioning himself how the heck Tus knew what he was trying to do. But it was ok cause if Tus could read Lucas's move, he didn't need to explain that much of whatever he would be doing in the future.

As he sat in front of the desk he used to sit in the library of the mansion, Lucas decided to take out his precious map again. A little dot of green light showed up again on it as he infused a little amount of mana while Tus was going to bring the capital's map.

"Are you ok? It is not using too much mana, right?" Eura asked, ready to snitch away that one in Lucas's hand if something out of the ordinary happened but she was glad that Lucas didn't look like exerting himself.

"Yep! I told you, it won't use as much mana as before."

At first, Lucas was also concerned whether the map would still be willing to use much of his mana but realizing that it only consumed what he would usually use for healing small scratches, Lucas smiled in satisfaction, thinking that gluttony time of the map might be over.

And moreover, he was more than delighted that the place had not been changed yet which meant that the owner was not moving around that much. Or else Lucas might have to follow him like a wild goose chase.

"Nice then." Eura sighed while looking at that smile of Lucas as she tried to figure out what kind of enjoyment that little master was having.

"Here you are, Master." Tus handed the map scroll to Lucas.

"Are you perhaps… trying to go somewhere?" And he looked at Lucas who was now comparing the two maps, noticing the other map which looked like a city layout which had a glimmering dot on it.

"Hmm, not right now. Actually."

It was a bothersome thing for Lucas that he had to find the name of the building by comparing the two maps because the mana map didn't have a feature to show the names of the buildings and it only had coordinate numbers as names changed from time to time and there was no name which lasted forever.

"Eura,... do you know where he got the one with the dot on it?" Tus, who had no realization that it was the one which they had brought back from the Aurora Valley, whispered to Eura, as it was rare to see a map like that but only got back a shrug as an answer.

She would not be telling that. If Tus knew, she would have to rest in peace after all the talks about not giving the map to Lucas.

And with the silence, the two just waited for what Lucas was doing.

Lucas, comparing the two maps, looking for the name of the building or nearby places where that green little dot was located, shrunk his eyes after a while when he finally found out the place.

'Seriously? Why that place?'

Lucas would be a little bit happier if that place was simply just a place in the quarter where people lived. He had already noticed that there was a chance that it would be a public building because of the size but he cursed himself for not noticing that it would be this place.

"Tus, can you please get the carriage ready?"

Lucas would have sneaked out without informing anyone else if it was somewhere else but now he thought it would be better to go as a duke's son in order to get some freedom in roaming around the place.

"Will you be going out? Right now? Didn't you say that you would not be going anywhere." Tus actually didn't want to let Lucas go out with all those situations, especially to a crowded place.

"Ah, yes. Actually I didn't have one before but right now I have. And Eura, please prepare me a simple-clothing, better if it is light colored."

"Wait, Lucas. Where are you planning to go?"

"To the holy cathedral."

"Eh? Are you going to pray?"

The two servants asked in disbelief, counting the days where Lucas had visited the cathedral or church for the last time. Since Lucas had lived separately from the family, he never visited the cathedral. Not even once. Even on prayer days which got them pretty surprised.

"Yea, sort of."

'No. It's not but let me explain to you guys later...."