To the Guidance (3)

"Young master… Why would you want to go out as soon as you arrived…?"

Lucas, in the simple while coat, mixed with a pale purple color as the lining in his sleeves, a grey vest, and white shorts in knee length, was going to step in the carriage when Carl in distress looked at the child, thinking if he got a tiny little chance to stop him.

"I just want to go pray. And it is said that the atmosphere of the cathedral is pretty peaceful so I wanna take a check."


'Why does he want to pray so suddenly? He doesn't want to do anything strange, right?' was what Carl was thinking all along.

"Neither my brother nor my father forbid me from going out. And it is for my territory…" Lucas was not lying. It was a part of his reason, feeling that he also held some part of responsibility for his territory.

'So, the young master knew all along…"

Carl was stunned for a while. He thought that with the young master being able to pick up the situations fast, there was no way that he would not know what was currently happening.

'He must be pretty worried, then…'

Carl didn't have more reasons to stop his young master. And as far as he knew the capital was a pretty safe place for the time being, which was why he only sighed before he replied.

"I will be right behind the carriage…"

"Lucas, take care…"

Eura reminded Lucas again and again as she wasn't able to follow behind as there was a possibility that her identity would be revealed accidentally through a security check.

"I will, of course. Tus is also with me."

Lucas would have preferred to take Eura with him instead of Tus because it meant more freedom for him. But with the given situation, he had no choice, given that Tus was way more trustworthy and closer than the other ones he could take to accompany him.

The carriage ride was not that long to reach the entrance of the holy cathedral, the largest cathedral in the whole country and the place where the royal family and high ranking nobles in the capital often came to pray or made volunteering activities or some types of celebration, given the fact that it was one of the grandest cathedrals and pretty near to the palace which was why the security was so tight there.

It was not that the commoners weren't allowed to come pray there but on normal days, most of them chose to go to the local church which was near to the entrance of the capital because they didn't want to go through that heavy security check and even if they went, the place they could go around was restricted which was why they only chose to go the holy cathedral on the prayer days, the day held on every last Sunday of the month.

They were stopped at the entrance but surprisingly, entering the cathedral was easier than Lucas had thought and he believed that it was because of his identity. being the son of one of the four dukes of the kingdom.

And of course, there was a priest guiding them towards the prayer hall. If Lucas and the group were going to be left alone, they were definitely going to get lost in this place. As they walked along the paved path, Lucas was in awe looking at the surroundings that he was in.

'Why does it have to be so large…'

Lucas gazed at the features of the grand cathedral, thinking that it was the largest one he had ever seen, even compared to those in his past life. And he was in distress as he would have to roam around this large place in search of the book.

Passing through one large door, Lucas walked and took a seat which was on the front part and near to the aisle. Looking at the statue of Lucian, and stained glass behind it, featuring the famous story of the most believed god, blessing the people with the mana, he couldn't help but to be in awe of how people grasped the real image of Lucian, the one he always saw when he was unconscious.

And the three started to pray silently. Lucas didn't know what the prayers the other two were making but for himself but he, himself, thought that there was no prayer which would be similar to the one he made.

'Lucian? Mr. God? Can you hear me?'

He thought that maybe, just maybe, if he visited one of the places like this holy cathedral, he might be able to talk to the god. But unfortunately, he gained no reply.

'Whether you hear or not, can I ask you to provide an easy way to find the veteran? And help me in getting a familiar?'

Regardless of the deviation with his expectation, Lucas told what he wanted. Praying existed so that people could tell what they wanted to god so he hoped that this would work, somehow.

Lucas stood up after a few minutes, making the two besides him to be surprised a bit as they thought it would take a bit more time.

"I am going to explore around a bit."

"Shall I call an apprentice as a guide?"

"No, I am going alone." Lucas replied to Carl, gaining the widened eyes from both of his companions in an instant.

Of course, Lucas had already guessed what kind of response that he was going to get from them, making him act like a person in distress who wanted to relax by himself in order to get released from some kind of tension.

'Please realize that your company makes me difficult…'

Thinking that in case he had to sneak into the inner ground where only archbishops and above could enter, Lucas thought he had to leave these two behind. He himself would be easy to get wherever he wanted but if these two followed, they would definitely get some kind of attention that Lucas didn't want.

"Can I just be alone for a while? Just an hour? This is the holy cathedral, you know…? There are less people and no one would be willing to commit any crime here."

Looking at the demeanor of Lucas, Carl thought that it was true that Lucas might have already known what had been happening and he was feeling some kind of pressure which made him want to stay alone while Tus believed that his master was having a kind of stress from all those cases happening around him which was why he might have needed some personal time.

Since the place was the holy cathedral, they finally let Lucas go, telling him not to wander too far which made Lucas almost want to bow to them for their thoughtfulness.

Another fact that made Lucas glad was that there were not that many people around the cathedral. And it was easy for Lucas to take a glance at the map which he kept in his inner pocket, memorize the way and follow the route that the map, which now featured the layout of the cathedral and the exact place that Lucas would need to go in order to get to where he wished. It was like a google map for Lucas.

There were people who stopped Lucas, telling that it was off-limits for the commoners but showing them the badge of the Evandall family, he was able to pass by easily, as a young child in power who wanted to explore the cathedral to the fullest.

And it was one of the times Lucas, who thought that noble families were mostly filled with headaches, felt that being one of the people who gained privilege because of the family position was not that bad.

'Now I need to make a turn…'

Lucas took another glance at the map before he kept it back to his pocket making the turn that the map had suggested, leading him to the corridor whose tiles were glazed brown. If it was according to the map, he just needed to go straight to this path, enter the chamber at the end of it and then he would find the book.

'I hope that the owner is together with it.'

If what the novel said was true, the owner rarely separated himself from this book because it was like a treasure to him so Lucas believed that the owner would also be nearby, as his steps became a little bit faster in nervousness and excitement.

The corridor came to an end and he looked at the white marble doors which looked pretty grand with its cravings of lily flowers and the sculptures embedded on the wall around these big doors. And Lucas held the handle of the door, breathing in and out heavily for once.


He had to make some effort to push the door open because of its heaviness, making a small sound as he moved the door to the point that he could slip in.


Lucas was in awe again. The praying hall he saw was amazing because of its decorations and such but this chamber he was in, which was in white aura because most parts of the hall was in white. White marble ground which almost seemed like a mirror, the white also with cravings decorating them.

The ones which provided colorful light and more magical atmosphere were the stained glass windows embedded on the walls. And Lucas felt that the atmosphere here was somehow very calm and peaceful which almost made him want to just lay down and relax.

"Are you lost, little child?"

Lucas was on the verge of forgetting what he came here for, being immersed in the atmosphere that he was in, until he heard a soothing voice which called him out, making him look straight.

There was only one man in the room, in the white robes which Lucas believed that he had to be a priest or so, looking at the crystal blue eyes of Lucas, stepping gracefully towards him.

If the said man was not wearing the trousers, Lucas even might have confused him as a woman because of his slender, fair and soft looking features, with the addition of a long braid behind.

"No, I am not."

Lucas also stared straight to the sea green eyes which seemed to have a bit of confusion as Lucas had answered.

'Yep! I found you.'

Lucas firmly believed that he was the one. He couldn't be wrong when there was only one person in this room, right?