It was in the late hours of the night when Rowan called another meeting. Staggering sleepily into the small council room leaders and representatives took their chairs and looked at the young queen who stood before them.
Captain Phalen cleared his throat, “The guard placed on the Crimson Dagger prisoners overheard them talking about ‘the bigger plan.’ The river is just the start of an invasion coming from the East.”
There was a sudden outburst of conversation and questions all jumbled together.
General Tarik gave Rowan a look, to which she answered with a wink. The general closed his eyes and shook his head.
Rowan raised her hand, “Silence please!”
The room rumbled into a peaceful quiet once again.
Phalen shrugged and continued, “They also mentioned something about a missing communication.”
“Missing communication? They must have been waiting for some sort of orders,” Tarik tapped his lip with his finger.