Chapter 41: The River Alliance

King Elinias turned to Rowan.

“Was this your doing? On my son’s wedding day?”

“Perhaps it wasn’t the best timing,” Rowan said smoothly. “I was hoping to celebrate Salinias’ wedding and then convene to form the alliance. This group holds the representatives from human and half-elven cities... If we join...”

Elinias held up a hand. Silently he looked from those assembled in the yard to Rowan and his second son. His eyes finally rested on the jewel around Rowan’s neck, and ever so slowly moved to lock eyes with Elduine.

There was silence. Nervous glances were made between the humans and half-elves. Then, something shifted in Elinias’ eyes. The queen, Salduine, never took her eyes off Rowan and gave her a hesitant smile.

“This is a joyous day. Let us celebrate tonight,” the Elven King said. “Everyone come to celebrate.”

He waved his hand to include those in the yard and motioned for everyone to follow him.