Chapter 23: Losing Faith

So, that’s why she followed me in. “I was a prude? And, I don’t flirt. I merely joke around. What’s wrong with that?”

Cherish brushed her bangs out of her eyes with her forearms before dumping paper plates with uneaten food into the trash can. “Yes, you were a prude. You were more holier-than-thou than mother dear out there.”

Faith was used to Cherish’s comments knocking their mother. “Really? Hmmmm. Well,” she shrugged, “I’m enjoying my life and having fun.”

“If your prince out there ever found out what a flirt you’re becoming, he wouldn’t be too happy.”

Faith turned and leaned on the sink, drying her hands. “That prince is my savior, and Selby knows everything. He trusts me, and I trust him. You’re not getting jealous, are you?”