“I don’t want to do this,” Faith said as Selby pulled into her parents’ driveway.
“Then, why did you say yes? I was quite happy with you naked in our room.”
Sometime during the evening, Selby had carried her to bed and wrapped his arms around her as they drifted back off to sleep. She had woken up early and served him breakfast in bed, her mind in turmoil over her behavior during their lovemaking. She wanted to apologize but was too embarrassed to even bring up the subject. Selby had been the gentleman and not commented on it. She knew he was waiting to talk about it. Nothing fazed him, and he seemed to relish the verbal play of their sex. Yet, she knew he would wait to talk about it until she was ready. She wasn’t ready. Nowhere near ready.
“Like saying ‘No’ is ever an option with my mother.” She sighed as she released her seat belt. “Besides, I love my dad. It’s my mom that’s the bitch.”