Chapter 53: Losing Faith

Selby locked his car and slipped the keys into his front pocket. It was time for a steak bagel from Joe’s. Faith had left so early and in such a hurry this morning that breakfast seemed a moot point. As he turned and started across the street, he caught a glimpse of Tracey coming out the side door that led to the kitchen, her arms across her chest. Her face seemed twisted in rage, and Selby wondered what Joe said to her to get her so irritated that early in the morning.

However, as Selby continued walking toward her, the man he saw her with the other day followed her out of the bakery, his arms gesturing wildly at whatever he tried to articulate. From the looks of Tracey, she wasn’t buying any of it. Selby was about to turn and skip his breakfast, when he saw the tall man grab her and spin her around. It was obvious he yelled at her.

Selby sped up his pace. He had left her alone the other day, but not today, not with the man’s behavior. “Tracey, you okay?”