Faith accomplished quite a bit before Cherish graced them with her crabby presence. She barely spoke to anyone once she arrived and slammed her purse onto her desk, not even offering an explanation as to why she was late. She merely grumbled she was going to have a cigarette. Faith just shook her head. Arrive an hour late and then take a cigarette break. Cherish really was a prima donna.
It was after lunch before Edwin arrived at the office. He didn’t offer an explanation as to where he had been, either. But then again, he didn’t need to. He was the boss. Faith noticed, however, that his mood seemed to match Cherish’s and decided perhaps it was best to steer clear of both for a while.
However, fate didn’t afford her that luxury.
“Faith, may I see you in my office, please.” Edwin stood in the doorway as he spoke but didn’t hang around to see if she was busy or available or even if she heard him. He just turned and walked away.