Daily life of an NPC

(Day 1)

I finally got out to walk around Nazarick today. Of course I didn't really get to choose where to go, but it was still a welcome experience compared to the dark room where I was created.

Following orders feels somewhat like an instinct.

Even if my mind can't catch up with something or doesn't know where I have to patrol my body still takes the correct actions.

I only now realize how much I actually missed seeing something that isn't an underground chamber or the endless void.

There wasn't much to do except doing a patrol around the Throne Room and I have to admit that the anime can't even begin to compare.

While yes, the anime did look pretty good it still falls utterly short of comparing to the real thing.

Though I do not know if that is simply because of the games quality or my unique situation.

Also, the paths I am supposed to patrol cross with some of the other NPCs so I got to meet Narberal Gamma, Lupusregina Beta as well as Sebas Tian.

Though sadly they aren't really "alive" yet, it is still comforting to know that I am not the only one here.

There wasn't much else sadly. Except for hearing some of the guild members talk about their lifes.

And while most of them always sound pretty happy while in game, I can't help but find that the world they live in truly sounds like a hellhole.

Guess I was lucky to be born at the end of the 20th century if that is what our future looks like.

Whenever one of them talks about work everyone always seems kind of depressed...


(Day 3)

So not really much has changed in the last few days.

Apparently some human invaders tried to get into Nazarick, but were easily repelled or killed by Shalltear and her minions.

'Human scum.'


I guess that answers whether I am effected by my settings and race...

At least I am gonna assume that I haven't just developed a strong distaste against my former race. And it probably doesn't help that I have forgotten a considerable amount of personal memories.

No fun for me I guess. But it should be okay considering that I have all the time in the world.

Did I just consider killing humans "fun"?

Okay, I might have to be a little more careful than I thought when interacting with humans later on. At least in my settings it is stated that I am good at keeping my "darker urges" behind a mask of composure.

I am just gonna trust myself on that one. I mean I won't start going on a killing spree just for fun.


(Day 10)

How long was until the start of canon again?

Maybe I was little to optimistic...

(Day 30)

Oh, hi there stone block number 15367. You look good today. Did you get a new scratch?

Suits you!

...I'm not crazy.

(Day 122)


(Day 462)

I have long stopped listening to the guild members. It's always the same anyway " Blah blah Quests, Blah Blah Event, My work and life are shit."


I think more than a year has passed since I started following my settings. I can only guess from the times, where some of the guild members mentioned the current date.

The most exciting thing that happened since then is being used as an inventory slave.


Maybe Albedo wasn't as good of a choice as I thought. At least Shalltear gets to slaughter those pigs once in a while.

Maybe the hatred for humans most characters in the show had isn't as unreasonable as I thought.

Fucking racists! All of them! I mean why the fuck did they start this whole vendetta against heteromorphic races anyway? They are probably just some kids that are jealous, because they missed out on that sweet racial bonus

Once we're in the New World my hand might just slip when a human starts thinking of himself too highly again...

It's not like there aren't enough opportunities to vent my frustration once we're there. I just have to wait a little while longer.

I don't want to hear anyone say that I have no patience after all.

(Day 517)

I am feeling a little excited.

Just a teeny tiny bit.

After all it's the first time I will be able to participate in combat.

From what I heard most of the guild members are currently holding a council.

Outside of the guild an raid party consisting of over a dozen guilds and 1500 human players is currently assembling.

And no matter how bad the situation looks for us I simply can't help, but feel myself smirking in my mind.

I might have been more averse to it if this hadn't still been a game, but right now I could literally do anything for a little entertainment, even if that is killing those of my former race.

And as I stand waiting in the throne room I can hear the great entrance door slowly opening.

Coming into the throne room is a collection of different monster and abominations. All of them belonging to one of the heteromorphic races.

Clad in high ranking armor most of the level one hundred guild members are without a doubt ready for combat.

A familiar skeleton steps forward and begins going over the strategy one last time.

"Everyone listen! I expect all of you to concentrate and follow plan. We are outnumbered by almost 1:40, so there is no room for mistakes. We have come far and fought hard to be where we are today. Many of us have invested to much into this to lose it."

Momonga pauses for a brief moment before continuing with renewed vigor.

"Nazarick is our home! And I will not see it trampled upon by those maggots claiming they are better than us!"


As soon as the last word is said the guild members start answering his call.


I must admit that Momonga is really good at giving speeches like. It's probably one of the reasons he made it this far in the show.

If I remember correctly, then he was an avid fan of role playing so that might have helped him in that regard.

Shortly after the guild members fall quiet Momonga begins to speak again.

"If all of you are ready, then I will go over the strategy one last time. Melee fighters will be split in two groups at the front. Should anyone be close to dying they are to swap out with someone from the other group."

Momonga looked away from the melee combatants and turned to the magic casters.

"Magic casters will stay at medium distance! Don't get closer than you have to. Once you are surrounded there might not be anyway to escape and every casualty is a crippling blow to our forces."

"Supporters will stay behind and provide any assistance they can. Focus on healing the melee fighters. Should they break through our first line of defense we are as good as dead."

Then came the order that I wasn't quite sure how to feel about.

"Since no one can concentrate on constantly giving orders to the NPCs we will use them to break up the enemy formation"

"Albedo and Shalltear both need at least a few level 100 players to be taken down effectively, so we can use the opportunity to thin their numbers a little.

We will have one of us stay behind to revive them in case they die. Should that happen immediately order them to rejoin combat."

Momonga finished his explanation with an acknowledgment from most of the other members.

So I am cannon fodder...

I suppose I will need to have a strong worded talk with Momonga once we are in the New World. Is there an insurance for NPCs?

I know I said that I wanted a little bit of entertainment, but dying repeatedly wasn't really on my to do list if I am honest here.


I guess it is rather now then later since this is still a game and god knows I need the combat experience.

At least I don't have to worry about friendly fire, since I will be mostly surrounded by enemies and I can fully concentrate on getting my revenge for those maggots trying to invade Nazarick...

And while most guild members got into their respective positions, Albedo mentally prepared herself to defend her new home.