The Battle for Nazarick

(AN: So before we start. This is the first time I am writing a battle scene, so please go easy on me in case the descriptions are a bit off. Thank You!)

(10 minutes later)

We all stood waiting for the enemy to arrive. It was decided we would defend the 6th floor due to the fact that the number of enemies could be somewhat controlled since the only access is through a teleportation circle.

Most of the spawned undead and even custom NPCs of the floors 1-5 had already been killed.

Only the combat focused NPCs were revived for now since the others would just be swept away by the incoming horde.

I stood there in my black armor, battleaxe drawn in my right hand waiting for my orders.

Everyone was silent.

Then the first shout came echoing through the arena.

"Guys, inform the main team! I've found the entrance to the next floor. These noobs don't know what's coming for them."

The words were spoken by a human player. He looked to be around level 60 with fairly common gear.

Although I am not a player I still have a vague idea about someone's level after seeing enough people trough my time in Nazarick. And it is fairly easy to keep common and unique equipment apart, simply by their design.

Like in most games the equipment tends to get more extravagant the rarer it gets and even though cosmetic items and skins exist, most people prefer the natural look of their gear.

Soon after the command was given, dozens of players begin streaming into the arena.

In preparation to the incoming attack our supporters began casting buffs on the two groups of physical attackers as well as me and other NPCs.

Echoes of [Physical Defense Up], [Fire Resistance Up], [Agility Up] and many other, more obscure names rang trough our group.

If I had to describe how a buff feels like, then it would probably feel like a drug.(not that I have any experience with those. No Sir!)

Everything feels lighter and my mind can't help but focus on every single of my enemies. Their movements, locations, armor, weapons and the corresponding classes they might possess.

I felt my annoyance grow with every single one of those maggots stepping into my home.

We were outnumbered so leaving them enough time to prepare a coordinated attack would be a fatal mistake.

And as if my thoughts had been heard, Momonga gave the command for the NPCs to attack. Directly followed by the first group of melee fighters.

The enemy hadn't yet gone into formation, so the outer members were easy pickings. I arrived within seconds, far faster than should have been humanly possible.

Therein lay the problem... I was a human no more. I was a succubus, something that has been branded a hellborn monster in human history.

And no matter how I searched for the mercy I once held within my... I found none.

So it didn't even register that the first humans head lay decapitated on the ground slowly vanishing into particles.

I turned to the next enemy.

She was a heavy armored individual much like myself, but instead of an axe she was holding a greatsword with both of her hands.

As soon as she realized I was coming for her, she lunged at me, her sword being held above her head by both hands.

She probably had a great deal more combat experience than me.

Something that in a fair fight would have given me much trouble and possibly even decided this battle in her favor.

But alas this was not a fair fight.

This was a game.

While a solid strategy can indeed help you, it doesn't help if you simply can't seriously injure your enemy.

I knew this battle was decided before it even began. Games were unfair that way. Yggdrasil even more so than others.

An enemy three levels above can easily kill you. Make it five and enemy is straight up unbeatable.

She might have been level eighty, maybe even ninety.

But that was not enough.

My axe parried her great sword without too much trouble, bringing her off balance.

The head of my axe struck her body like a wracking ball and send her flying for at least ten meters before touching the ground again.

She wasn't dead, but also wouldn't be alive for much longer.

I used a movement skill to go after her. Nothing much. Just a low tier [Dash], but that was enough for my purposes.

She probably didn't even see me coming before my axe split her head open.

I expected blood.

I wanted blood.

I wanted her to bleed and die for daring to attack my family.

I only found her body slowly vanishing like so many others around me.

I later asked myself if I would have done the same if this wasn't a game. If the now vanished body had belonged to a real woman.

Someone with a family and possibly even children of her own, waiting for a mother that will never return to them again.

The answer...

'I don't know.'

No... that's a lie I tell myself to hold on to my past.

But my past is gone. And even if I tell myself that I would have done things differently I know that at the moment I struck her head with my axe I didn't care who that head belonged to other than that it was an enemy to Nazarick.

And I know that even if someone gave me a chance to redo things.

I would kill her again.

And again.

And again.

Until all the sins she committed against my family were repaid. Not by gold, but by her death...

The fighting continued that way.

Players of different levels would come and engage me. None of them quite level 100, but high level players nonetheless.

Regardless of their group size, all of them would fall to my axe.

I must have gone trough at least 60 or so players until they realized they couldn't beat me.

They began to focus on blocking and dodging my attacks, retreating whenever one of them was in danger. They were undoubtedly waiting for some of the level 100 players to arrive and kill me.

It was admittedly their only chance.

A few more of them died before exactly that happened. A duo of level 100 players stood in my way. Most of the others had turned away to engage some of the easier to beat targets, which consisted of the Death Knights and other spawned mobs.

The players were a paladin and magic caster respectively.

My health hadn't decreased by much, but neither was I at full health and some of the buffs casted by the support group were already beginning to wear out.

The same couldn't be said for my two enemies. They had clearly waited for the lower level players to tire out the enemy.

The magic caster began to speak

"Fucking noobs. All they do is spam their low level undead and NPCs. If they can't fight on their own they should just fuck o-"

I didn't listen past that point. It was clear to me that nothing useful would come out of that pigs mouth regardless of what I did.

The paladin had been paying more attention to the situation and therefore reciprocated in kind when I began my attack.

The fight wasn't anything grand. Not like those great battles in stories, were the hero beats the monster an inch away from death.

My fight with the paladin was fairly simple.

One of us would use an attack, while the other would block before starting an equally heavy counter attack.

In a battle between only the two of us I might have stood a chance of victory.

Sadly that wasn't the case.

The magic caster had not been sitting by idly and began firing a steady stream of spells in my direction.

While my magic defense was incredibly high, the continuous stream of elemental attacks slowly but surely ate away at my HP.

In a last ditch effort I used the skill [Counter Stun]. A fairly simple ability that stuns your opponent for a fracture of a second after a successful counter.

Not enough to use any great attacks, but enough to change my target to the magic caster and dash off to try and take him out.

It might have worked, but as much as my fight against the greatsword user had been unfair, this one was as well.

And so I had no time to react to the assassin lunging from the crowd and driving his twin daggers into my back.

Thereby reducing my HP to zero.