End of the Battle

I hope dying doesn't become a habit.

Although it wasn't as bad as my first death if I have to be honest, since I at least didn't wake up in an endless void.

When I opened my eyes I saw the by now familiar halls of Nazarick.

If I had had the chance I would have definitely used the opportunity to talk about the work ethics here, since even death didn't offer me any pause from guarding Nazarick.

Before my mind could even really catch up to the fact that I had died again, not even two years after my first death, my body already began to move again.

As per order I immediately made my way back to the 6th floor to rejoin the still ongoing battle.

As I entered the coliseum I got my first real opportunity to look at the fight from afar.

The casualties on Nazaricks side were mostly restricted to both NPCs and summoned undead.

And while I imagine most magic casters were beginning to run low on MP, the opposing army had lost most of it's formerly overwhelming numbers.

But that didn't meant the battle was won.

Far from it.

The remaining hundred or so players mostly consisted of the high end players between the levels 98-100.

Those that had simply been waiting for Nazaricks forces to tire out.

The formations were beginning to disassemble, since heavy losses made keeping them up inefficient.

Most of the enemy forces began to attack us all at once and in response to this both of the close combat teams were forced to respond.

With a vast assortment of buffs and positive status effects I once again reengaged the fight.

Since I was now no longer in the middle of the enemy forces I could fully concentrate on the enemy before me instead of having to watch my back.

I found myself standing in front of a spear wielder this time, another level 100 player that was by the looks of it, focused on agility.

My hand clenched tightly around my axe and I found myself tunneling in on him.

'HOW DARE THESE WORMS LAY A HAND ON ME?! Tarnishing the sacred work of my creator!'

Intend on not letting him get any assistance I made a rush for his position. Once again I was moving faster than should be possible.

If this had been normal ground it would have probably cracked under the pressure of my dash.

Since my enemy was not made for tanking hits I used the moment of surprise to use one of my stronger skills.

[Dark Rush] was a attack that targeted a single individual in front of you. It focused on dealing great amounts of damage through a dash ending in a single, but devastating strike.

A fairly simple skill to dodge.

If you saw it coming at least.

He did not.

So it came with no surprise that his body was sent crashing into one of his teammates. Both of them were obviously confused about what had happened.

They turned around frantically before focusing on me, obviously having found their attacker.

"FUCK! Bitch got me by suprise, give me some backup here!" said the lancer to the one he had crashed into.

The second player had been yet another assassin.

Both of them were only wearing light armor, so they would try to avoid tanking any further hits.

Both of them charged at me from opposite directions.

The lancer came from my right side, while the assassin was readying his blades on my left.

The first attack came from the assassin.

He threw a set of throwing knives in my direction. Most of them were blocked by my axe before I turned around just in time to stop a diagonal hit of my opponents spear.

Seeing that his attack had been blocked he withdrew his spear and prepared himself for a set of fast thrusts towards my midsection.

While this was happening the assassin was slowly creeping up behind me , probably thinking I was occupied and an easy target.

A mistake.

I was a tank, so I did not need to block or dodge every single hit of my opponent.

The assassin seemed to have come to the same conclusion by the time I turned to him and simply took the spear without reacting.

The assassin had already started his attack and was unable to cancel it before my axe came crashing down on his left shoulder blade and carved a large wound into his upper body.

At the same time I kicked the opponent behind me with a strength that would have put a bicorn to shame.

'Note to self: Take care of the fact that you can't ride your bicorn in the new world'

I suppose it's something that is long overdue anyway, since if it hadn't been for my lucky rebirth I would have died a bloody virgin.

'I'm a god damm succubus! I should be fucking like a rabbit anyway?! What the fuck am I doing standing in the bloody throne room all day?!'

Most of the female monsters in Nazarick are also top class beauties, while most males probably don't even have the necessary... equipment.

At least the world is sending clear signals about what my sexual orientation I should have.


I should probably return my attention to the fight anyway.

I have enough time to think about important matters later.

Both the assassin and lancer were slowly rising from the ground having sustained heavy injuries.

They were now slowly circling around me in opposite directions from me.

I was just standing there, unmoving and waiting for them to attack.

They were clearly hesitant since any further damage would kill them. Escape was also not an option since they couldn't easily leave the coliseum and two low health players would instantly get killed by a stray spell, if they don't pay attention.

"Shit." said the assassin.

"On three, the NPCs can't deal with to many things at once. We'll just have to use something that it can't tank away." retorted the lancer.

That plan might have actually succeeded, had they used it on any of the other NPCs.

Can't exactly blame them for openly talking about their plan though. After all, who would expect a NPC to listen to your conversation.

"One" the lancer began counting.

"Two" both he and the assassin were readying their weapons.

"Three" They began charging at me with what was most likely their own versions of my [Dark Rush].

The lancer was just a little faster and attacked with an additional rotation of his body to gather further momentum ending in a wide slash of his spear.

But I had been waiting for this.

I used [Full Counter]. An ability that grants you invulnerability for 0.5 seconds. Should you be hit within that time frame you will immediately start a counter attack dealing true damage.

The back draw was that you had to be completely motionless to use it.

It was basically useless since it would be too obvious for a player to stand around.

I was no player though and for a NPC it was fairly common to just stand around until engaged.

The lancers eyes widened when his spear bounced of harmlessly from my right shoulder, but before he could dodge I made an upwards swing with my axe and split his head open beginning from his chin.

The assassin was equally surprised, but nonetheless managed to land his attack on my back.

It took a large chunk out of my HP bar, but sadly for him it was not enough to endanger my life and since he expected to finish the fight with this attack, he didn't have enough time to dodge my axe hitting him square in the chest and killing him in the process.

'Hmm... I wonder what cutting real flesh feels like. This game may look very lifelike, but things like that still feel kinda off.'

I looked around.

Of the entire enemy force only a dozen players remained. Most of them in bad shape.

They had clearly imagined a different outcome for this.

I helped finishing off the last few players, none of which proved much of a threat now that they were outnumbered.

Then the last enemy fell.

Everything was silent.

The battle was over.