It's been a long year since zoro had gave them their presents but now it was the time when sao had finally released their product to the public. Although zoro had already got kazuto and himself a nerve gear and sao they wanted to play it at his gaming house so of they departed.

Zoro :" kazu whats your name gonna be in sao so I can add you as fast as possible?

Kazu:" kirito. what about yours?


Kazu:"you really cling to that nickname don't you but it suits you "

Zoro:"thank you by the way kazu I'm going to be solo running the game for about six months to grind"

Kazu:" I feel you guilds are to much effort for me"

Hearing this zoro's eyes darken as he says

:" kazuto kirigaya no matter what if you ever feel uneasy or afraid contact me because it's a big brothers job to protect people not just yourself"

Kazuto took these words to heart and just


Zoro:"by the way kazu I will definitely be stronger faster and more elite than you in sao hehehe"

Kazu:" Oh is that a challenge aniki?"

Zoro:"you know it!" he says with a grin

Kazu:"OK at floor twenty we'll meet up and have an epic duel a clash between brothers"

Zoro nodded and grinned widley

Arriving at his gaming house they both sat down on his couch after completing the body calibrations.

Zoro:"okay otuoto see you in sao."

Kazu:"Same to you aniki"

And theu both shout in perfect sync "LINK START"

Zoro didn't change his appearance since it was to much effort and it would go back to normal after the mirror thing anyway

Zoro :" damn the sunset at aincrad does look incredible" he says relaxed "anyways I should probably add and meet up with kirito"

-time skip-

I walk up with my standard on my hip and see kirito waving at me whilst talking to a guy with red hair

Kiri:" hey draken this is my new friend klein"

Klein:" nice to meet you draken"

Zoro:"the pleasure is mine and likewise"

He says whilst bowing

Zoro:"kiri have you checked your stats yet"

Kiri:"now that I think about it I actually haven't"

Kirito checks his stats in the meantime zoro asks klein the same question and the red haired man does the same so whilst they're doing that zoro decides he needs to check how to access his holographic training system but he called it hts for short

Zoro: - requirements for hts : clear 1st floor solo before anyone else coordinates are:**/*/**

Reach 1000 in all stats-

Zoro:-interesting I guess I need to do a bit of training for these requirements he decides to do his normal workouts ten times as fast (5min) to see how much his stats upgraded


Speed:100 +50



Observation haki intermediate stage bottle neck


You maybe wondering why his stats are so low the reason is the programing of the game where people with good physiques can't dominate the game right of the bat and they only get 100 on some of their stats unlike the normal people who only have 50 as their base stats on all

Kiri:" draken why were you just working out insanely fast right now?"

It also looked like klein is quite interested on why as well

Draken:" I wondered if your stats could increase by doing exercise and I was right they can but the amount of exercise is insane for the minor amount of stats you get!"

Kiri:" how minor are we talking?" he asks as this subject had definitely peaked his interests

Zoro:" 50 on all stats except weapon skills and mastery for 1000 push ups

1000 sit ups 1000 lunges and 1000 squats "


Zoro :" hehehe" their faces of disbelief and minor disappointment were too funny for him

Klein:"anyways its nice talking and seeing you guys but my pizza is arriving in 2 minutes so I'll friend you and and be back as soon as I finish eating"

Kiri and zoro :"sure thing that's fine with us"

After hearing that klein searched for the logout button but.... IT WASN'T THEIR!?

klein:"hey guys I cant find the log out button?"

Kiri:"what do you mean it's not there?" kiri opens his menu and scrolls to where the logout button is supposed to be "yeah its right he- huh it's not."

Klein:"maybe they misplaced it in another category? every game still has simple unexplored bugs."

Kiri:" no thats impossible the development team did a live test run on the game except for the hidden quests and treasure spots so theres no way they have bugs in sao."

Zoro:" that's right even the official website showed us all the general codes they used to show us that they were never any bugs detected no matter how hidden. "

Klein:" wait both of you are correct I watched and did the codes aswell"

All of a sudden all of the three of them were teleported to the plaza of the starter town it seemed that others were also teleported in as well

Their was visible confusion on manys faces some of the ones who had verbally spreaded their anxiety when a blood started dripping the cealing. there appearing out a big massive cloak a deep booming voice resounded

Game master :" hello players of sao I am the game master!"

People began to become relieved they all think the logout button will soon have a simple explanation and solution. Little did they know the great despair that would soon dawn on them.

Gm:"most of you have noticed the 'problem' with the logout button but this is not a problem neither mistake this was intentional none of you will be leaving sao till the game has been cleared yes all 100 floors but there's a twist.." you can almost hear the twisted intention from his very ow tone of voice" if you die in the game you will die in real life! " most people blew this off as a joke hiding their emerging anxiety and fear

Gm:" you don't believe me? Look for yourself. " he says displaying a number of people who died in sao from their headsets being forcefully being pulled off and then dying from a microwave signal emmited from the nerve gear most people knew this was a possible conclusion since of the infinite battery installed in the nerve gear. Panic arose like a plague spreading faster than the current one. Then the avatar said he had left a present in all of their inventorys as everyone checked their inventory many bright lights covered the plaza until it covered the whole plaza.... Everyone now had their real life faces and physique

Kiri:"draken klein where are you?"

Klein:"kirito you look way different"

Kiri:"you look way older klein"

Draken:"you guys done admiring each others replications of their real bodys?"

Klein:"Draken why hasnt your avatar changed at all"

Draken:" because I look like this in real life too and no I didn't die my hair it's natural and my eye was like this when I was born"

Klein :" that's so.... AWESOME?!"

Kiri:"klein why don't you party up with me and draken I know a good quest that we can use to get good loot and fast"

Klein:"im sorry I logged in with my long time irl friends and I don't want then dying on me so I'm going to try find them. Thank you kirito really and you to draken ill stay in touch though"

Kiri:"bu-"he gets cut off by zoro

Zoro:" my dear one and otouto other people have people have people that are dear to them that they can't leave behind even for 1b yen even when they are dirt poor and in the slums just like you and our family are to me so we shouldnt separate anyone from their loved ones"

Kiri:" aniki I understand ill be going on my own way you better be getting ready for our duel on floor 20 you understand"

Draken:" get ready to get your assbeat I front of a lot off people by your aniki my one and only dear otouto!" he says walking to the opposite way from kirito