Reaching 1000 on all stats

After parting ways from his dear otouto zoro decided he would need to unlock the hts so he can get stronger and become the strongest player in sao and turn shisui ame no habakiri and enma into red blades. So zoro decides to see if the result of his excersize would have the same effect again

Zoro:-I finally finished the exercises so let's see if the results are the same -





Dexterity :150+30

Endurance :150+30


Observation haki intermediate level bottle neck


Zoro:" I see it cuts down the stats so you cant abuse the trick how annoying"

Zoro brainstorms some ideas to see what would get him 1000 on all stats but he then he realised that there was no other effective method than quests there was also a quest tab in your menu such as story side and solo online or co op quests the ones that profited the most stat improvements were solo online quests the highest online quest you could access was a B everybody thought this quest was suicide for everyone since none of them had even reach 120 in any stat and that was for was necessary a low c quests


This is a ranking for quests

SSS- hardest











D-lowest in difficulty



Zoro :- I wonder if I can become ryuma slay the dragons and become the best swordsman in sao planets above everyone and have a sick title like ryuma's "sword God" -

zoro decided to do the quest he was then teleported to a cave lit by wooden torches there he saw one 18 meter dragon resting and

9 10 meter dragons guarding it zoro doesn't think much of it and charges straight at one of the dragons and decides to create a single mini typhoon around his blade and shouted:" draken one sword style : storm dragons talon"

Unlike typhoons on his dragons descent its tightly covering the sword and it gave his standard blade the sharpness that he needed to cut down the dragon. Unfortunately although he cut of the wing of the dragon he was attacking which decreased its health by 25 percent he wasn't able to go for the head because of its abnormal height and stature so he decided to take of its legs so that it would lay flat on the floor. Zoro:" draken style : x marks the spot" this move creates Two 2 meters of sharp wind blades in a x position one of these could easily cut of both of their legs and since one of its wings was cut off it couldnt fly away so it fell flat on it back ceasing the chance zoro ran to it and cut its head off and pixels flew up

<(1/10) dragons killed >

Zoro:"I guess I'll do the same with the next 9"

After swerving several claws zoro rushes to the dragon furthest back he did this so he didn't get hit by a team attack as soon as the dragon swiped its claw so zoro used :" one sword style draken original : dragon song" instead of lion songs vertical slash dragon song uses an iado horizontal 45* degree slash. Half of the dragon turned to crystals and finally the rest turned to crystals that dispersed into nothingness

(2/10 dragons killed)

Zoro :" hehe the rest should be easier to take out now" he says as he now knows that his "rhythm of all things" works in sao

He begins to massacre the dragons

(3/10 dragons killed )

He manouvers jumps up and vertically slices using his weight and gravity

(4/10 dragons killed)

Zoro then says "ichtoryu:60 pound phoenix"

As a cyclone shreds the dragons head off

(5/10 dragon killed)

Three dragons then proceed to stand side by side blocking himself from any escape route and restricting his space

Zoro: - sigh - "this really is troublesome..." then an idea comes to mind making him grin goofily "SANTORYU: ONIGIRI" he says as he cuts all three dragon heads off

(8/10 dragons killed)

Zoro :"two left eh." he proceeds to walk up to the last minor dragon and kill it with a simple swipe of his blade


He shouts as the dragon opens it massive eye and a red glint appears on it that's when the dragon opens its mouth and breaths out a flame ghat can only be compared to madaras great fire anilation jutsu

Zoro :" those are some impressive flames..."

He opens his eye and he shows his hawkeye glinting "BUT ITS A PITY THEY'LL SOON BE PUT OUT BY A STROKE OF MY BLADE!"

ZORO SHOUTS :"ITTORYU :" hiryu kaen! "

As he cuts the dragons head off

(10/10 Dragons killed)

250+ to all stats

Bonus for being the first player ever to complete a high level online quest your reward gets 5x

1000+ to all stats.

Zoro :" and here I thought I'd have to do you 5x over"

He proceeds to open the HTC menu and sees :

1/2 of initial requirements have been achieved

Zoro :" sweet but I do wish it'd give me a reward for it"

After that zoro leaves to find an Inn so he can rest for tomorrow.