The Invasion

The date was 06/27/2035. I turned on the TV in my living room. Suddenly the screen went black, and the emergency broadcast came on. The president was speaking.

"Russia has invaded the west coast, stay in your homes, lock the door. Protect yourselves. God help use all…"

Before he could finish his sentence, the screen went black, my dad, and brothers all rushed to the front room. We all looked at my dad for an order.

"go grab the guns form the shed." He ordered my oldest brother.

"Yes, father." As he run to the back door.

"Border the windows and doors, we are the closest to the war." He yelled as we grabbed wood and metal.

It was too late for us to evacuate. The Russians were only 4 miles from our town. There was no time to waste, we boarded up the windows and doors. My oldest brother threw the bag of guns on the table. My father opened the bag and grabbed three AR-15's. He handed each of my brothers one. He pulled out a M24 rifle, it was coated in black with fake brush wrapped all around it, it used to be his. We were well trained with these rifles. Our father and uncle were marines, they served in Afghanistan and Iraq. My brothers and father stood loading their clips with 5.56 FMJ rounds. I was in my room putting on my ghillie suite. We all had a Glock 16x just in case we ran out of bullets. If the marines cannot stop the invasion, lots will die.

I was ready, my father gave me a radio so he could keep in contact with me. I grabbed my rifle and headed to a hilltop about 800 yards from our house. As I reached the hilltop, I saw smoke off in the distance. I equipped a silencer to my rifle so my position would not be compromised. I laid down and covered myself, we waited, sounds of gunshots and explosions filled the morning sky. It was noon when it quiet down, soon I saw trucks and marching soldiers. 126 Russian soldiers filled the streets. I grabbed my radio and told my dad they were 100 yards from the house. There was an officer standing on one of the trucks. He had a yellow ribbon on his right upper arm, he was the commanding officer. I saw him point to the soldiers and yelled. He had ordered them the search the houses.

I was the best marksman in my family. My brothers and I would play a game to see who can hide the best. I would be able to spot them in a ghillie suit 150 yards in thick brush.

Do you know what an artist and a sniper have in common, detail, if a figure is too dark or not in the right place, it is like a six sense. My father told me to take the first shot.

I took aim at the commanding officer on the truck. I dialed in, four clicks up, two clicks left. I aimed right for his head, aim small miss small, my dad would say. I put my finger on the trigger. I waited for him to stand still, just for a moment. He stood still talking to one of the soldiers. I breathed in and then out, held my breath and squeezed. The sound rang from my rifle, as the bullet struck him in the head. He fell to the ground. The soldiers around him all ran for cover.

Fire brook loosed as shoots came from my house. Russian soldiers fell to the ground. I stayed on the hill firing shoots, dropping soldiers as they ran. My brother ran out the back flanking them. Soon they were all outside, hiding behind cars and trucks. They were dropping clips. The Russians went from 126 to 65 in less than an hour. My radio went off, it was my dad.

"were running low."

"grab their rifles, ill cover you." I said picking up my radio.

My brother and I were laying down covering fire, as he grabbed their rifles and clips. I had one clips left. Six shots I told myself, no mistakes. I saw movement in the corner of my scope, it was a sniper. I saw his barrel out of a small sliver of brush on a hill, only 160 yards from me. I turned my rifle and tried to find his body. Suddenly I heard a shot, I heard my dad scram from the radio.


I kept looking trying to find any movement, this guy was good. I said to myself.

"Let's play hide and seek."

He fired again; I saw his body move with his rifle. I did not hesitate I pulled the trigger and he laid still. I kept my sights on him making sure he is dead. My dad was hit, he was laying on the street clinging to life. I wiped my rifle back to the house, they were moving in, there is 30 Russians left. My brother ran to my dad to help him. I dropped five more soldiers, my gun clicked. I was out, I stood up and grabbed my rifle, put it on my back and took my handgun out. I started heading back to the house. My radio came one.

"were out, there surrounding us!" my brother yelled as shots rang past them.

"I'm almost there, hang on." I said breathing heavily.

I dropped my rifle and started sprinting. The firing stopped, I got close to the house. I was on the corner of a yellow house. I peeked around the corner I saw my brothers and dad kneeling on the street. This man with a dark camo jacket, and brown pants came out from the middle of the soldiers. He had a scar on his left cheek. He pulled out his revolver and pointed it at my brother's head. I turned away; I did not want to see my brothers getting shot. I heard three shots. I got up and walked away. I went back up to my snipers' nest and cried. I could have been there to save them; I could have killed all of them. I said to myself.

"I need to get more ammo."

It was inside the house. I had to wait until night to move in.