Rude Awakening

Night fall soon covered the sky, I was laying in my spot, on top of the hill. I was looking through my scope. There was little movement, the Russians were settling in. I checked my watch its 11:45 at 1:30 I will move in.

My watch beeped, as my alarm went off. I left my rifle and started walking toward my house. Soldiers were sleeping in houses, there were some guards. I was using the darkness as cover; the only light is the fire in the middle of the street. One of the guards was standing next to my neighbor's house. he was facing the street. I crouched walked around. My ghillie suite was make noise, I took it off and left it by a light post. I took my knife out from my waist and held it in my right hand. I slowly walked up to the soldier and got right behind him. I then popped up, stabbing him in his throat, puncturing his jugular. I covered his mouth, soon he stopped struggling. I laid his body down quietly. I got close to my house, soon I heard a soldier call out. He found the body, I looked all around. Seeing if there was anyone around me. I sneaked around back and crawled through a window. As is walked upstairs to my room. They started to search the houses again. I quickly grabbed more ammo and headed back down. I waked right into two soldiers. They pointed their rifles and ordered me to get down. I got down on my knees, then walked toward me. I grabbed my handgun and shoot both. They fell to the ground, with a big thud. soon everyone knew I was there. I knew I was going to die. I grabbed one of their rifle's and took cover upstairs. I hide around a corner. More and more soldiers came through the door. They searched the bottom half of the house. Soon soldiers started to come upstairs. I wiped around the corner pulled the trigger and the gun jammed. They started yelling at me, I dropped the rifle and got on my knees.

They grabbed me and took me out into the street and put me on my knees. They were going to kill me. Soon a dark figure came from one of the trucks, it was a man with scare on his right cheek. He walked up to me.

"You can call me Zodof, so you were the one killing all my soldiers."

I jumped at him with aggression, he killed my family. The soldiers kicked the back of my legs. I fell to my knees.

"I mean it wasn't cupid." I said sarcastically.

He laughed and struck me in my face. I spit out blood and looked at him and smiled.

"my grandma hits harder than you." I said with a laugh.

He struck me again, a tooth flew out my mouth.

"I like this one." He said looking at his soldiers holding me.

"You killed my best sniper." He said getting on one knee.

"well apparently he was not that good" I said looking him in the eyes, drooling blood.

"Load him in the truck were taking him to the camp." He said pointing at them.

One of the soldiers picked me up and was leading me to the truck. They did not tie my hands, I ripped off and grabbed the soldier. I grabbed his pistol and pointed it at his head. All the soldiers turned around and pointed their rifles. Zodof laughed.

"You really think you're going to get away, you're out gunned and outnumber."

"Yah, will at least ill die with blood on my hands." I said holding the soldier.

I pulled the trigger and the gun clicked. There was no bullet in it, everyone laughed. I dropped the gun and let the soldier go. I put my hand in the air.

"don't give up that easy" Zodof said.

Suddenly a soldier came up from behind me. he struck me in the back of the head with the butt of his rifle. I fell to the ground, knocked out.