The Pit

I woke up to the sun hitting my eyes. I looked to the back of the truck; I saw barbed wire fence. My hands were tied, I looked around the truck trying to find something to cut the rope. Soon the truck stopped, and two men walked behind and open the back. They grabbed me and threw me out of the truck. I smacked the ground, I got dirt in my mouth. they pick me up and walked me toward the camp. As I walked through the gates, it seemed like I was walking through the gates of hell. The sound of shuffling feet filled my head. The other prisoners around me looked dead, their souls gone from there body. I had hatred and the thought of killing in my head, I wanted revenge. The soldiers stood around us with their guns in hand, ready to pull the trigger. I could have easily killed one of the soldiers, they were like toothpicks. I was outnumbered they would shoot me before I could kill one of them. I am 17, 6'4 and built like a brick house. I guess that is what you get for being a farm kid. The two soldiers walked past the gates. One of the commanders stopped us and asked.

"where are you taking this one."

"General Zodof told us to take him to the pit." The soldier said.

"why is that did he try and fight the guards." The general said looking at me.

"No, he was found in the town" The soldier said walking away.

The soldiers took me to this sand pit with a steal cage around it. They threw me in and closed the gate. I looked around and I saw general Zodof standing, watching me. he yelled form the side.

"you will be staying here… rotting, you filthy dog."

I did not say a word, I wanted him to leave. He then walked away. I was already looking for a way out. There were these small cages with steel bars. I walked up to one and there was a man, he was cover in mud and blood.

"how long have you been here." I said coughing.

"only for two days." He said with a shivering voice.

"what did they do to you." I asked.

He did not answer me. he just faced away from me and hid in the corner. I heard from a distance, a lady's voice.

"don't talked they will beat you." She said faintly.

I stood up and walked around the cage. I do not know long it will be before the military liberates this concentration camp. It will only be a matter of days. Night soon came, time was going fast. They did not feed me or give me water.

"there trying to make me weak." I said to myself.

I needed to rest, I laid down and shut my eyes. It only felt like a couple of seconds. I woke up to someone banging on the cage.

"get up you pigs." A man said with a wooden club.

I got up and walked toward the edge of the cage ware the man was standing.

"water… please can I have some water." I said with a dry voice.

He looked down at me and spit on my face.

"there is your water." He said laughing.

The sun was not up yet. I did not know what time it was. They took my watch. I sat inside that cage for a what felt like a whole month, little food, and water. I felt so week, but I kept my mind on killing Zodof. Getting revenge on my family. One morning I woke up to Zodof holding my rifle.

"so, this is yours… beautiful rifle." He said examining it.

I looked at him in discus. What honor does he have holding it? I earned that rifle. He walked away and them came back 15 minutes later with a pail of water.

"you fight for me; I will give you anything you want." He said putting down the pail of water.

"why would you trust me." I said with a dry throat.

"because a man will do anything for food and water." He said opening the cage setting the water inside,

I ran to it picking it up gulping down the water. I finished it and set the bucket down.

"when do I start." I said wiping my lips.

"you can start right now, but if you slip, I will have you killed" He said reaching his hand out.