Chapter 1

194 B.C.E. Ostia Antica (port city 15 miles Southwest of Rome)

Rosa hopped off the boat, the cool port breeze blowing in her face. She breathed in the delightful smell of the salt-water air.

In a large bag that was in her right hand was her set of armor. She had a soft, dark blue, silk robe on. At the waist, there were little loops for a small belt to be in. She had a rope as a belt, her katana on her left side, and her kunai on her right side. Her robe was a traditional garment for Japanese women. Just because she did what was considered a man's job, didn't mean that she didn't like women's stuff. The silk robe had a golden, embroidered dragon curling up around it. The rest of the robe was sprinkled in gold dots to show the dragon sleeping in the night sky.

She continued walking, her hand just below the katana hilt, where it was most comfortable. Out of nowhere came two guards, crossing their spears to stop her. They had ugly grins on their faces and reeked of alcohol. The look on Rosa's face was utter disgust.

"Haha, look at her face," said guard one.

" Man, look at her eyes and facial features, she must be Japanese! Probably doesn't understand a thing we're saying!" said guard two.

They both laughed. The disgusted look on Rosa's face only deepened. The men were speaking Latin.

In perfect Latin, she replied back, "No, no, I understand what you're saying, and you smell awful. Isn't Rome known for having free bathhouses? 'Cause you should really go try one."

The two men looked at each other and started laughing hysterically. "Got a feisty one, aye?" The first guard said through tears to the second guard. The second man was laughing too hard to respond. Rosa didn't understand why they were laughing.

As they were in their laughing fit, Rosa moved to the side to continue walking. The men quickly moved in front of her to block her way. Rosa looked at them with confusion on her face, "What do you want now? Let me through."

"Sorry little lady, but we can't let you go by yourself. You need a man to accompany you," was the reply from guard two.

Before they could even blink, both were on the ground on their butts, legs twisted weird ways. Rosa stepped over the two, stunned men, and kept walking. Great, she thought, they just now realized that their legs were broken and started screaming, the first day in Rome and you've already assaulted two guards by breaking their legs. Good job. That last part wasn't sarcastic. Wonder how many other things I'll be wanted for by the time I'm done here.

A few minutes later, a boy about her age, 16, walked up to her. "Hey," the boy said, "I like your ponytail." Rosa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Thanks," she said. They continued walking in silence until the boy finally spoke.

"I saw what you did to those guards. That was insanely fast."

Rosa looked away, slightly flustered, "Thanks," she said.

"I'm Sirius. What's your name?"

"Rosa," Rose.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Rosa. Do you perhaps have anywhere to go?"

"Nope. Just trying to make it to Rome and whatever else happens, happens."

"Pretty easy way to think of life."

"I try."

The boy smiled, obviously amused by the girl's sense of ease. "I work in a mercenary place where some of the world's most dangerous people are! You seem like the type who'd be interested in that. But there are really no other women. Plus it might be a bit hard 'cause they'll look down on you because you're a woman. But I'll put in a good word for you." He smiled with a toothy grin. Rose found the boy kind of charming, in his own way.

"Sounds interesting. Let's go now before I change my mind." Really, Rosa? Going to some mercenary place with a boy you just met AND told you straight up about it? God, you're stupid. But you got guts girl, just don't die.

And with that, they set off for the mercenary hideout.