Chapter 2

A few hours later, in Rome

"Ughhhh, I'm so tired!" Sirius complained as he sat down on the walkway. "How are you not tired?"

"Walks like these are a common recurrence in Japan. And training practice for those who want to be a samurai," Rose responded. She held her hand out for him to help him up, because he was sitting, literally, in the middle of the walkway.

"What's in your bag?" He asked her.

"My armor."

"Then you might want to put it on. The men there are rough, so it might be best for you to look your strongest when we go in. We're relatively close."

"Y'know, Sirius, that is an amazing idea." She walked off to a secluded area to put her armor on. Sirius didn't follow her and got himself together.

Inside of her armor, she wore a black, long-sleeved undershirt and pants. She also wore the black, rope belt that she was wearing when she first arrived in Ostia. She always had her kunai attached to the end of her rope so she could use it as a weapon for long range and bring it back.

She walked behind Sirius as he opened the door. Inside were a bunch of large, smelly guys who all seemed pretty friendly toward Sirius and each other. It was probably a safe ground for mercenaries and criminals. She walked in behind Sirius, scanning the room. No other women. She closed her eyes and sighed silently to herself, great. That "great" was a sarcastic one.

The men looked at her then at Sirius. "You brought a woman?" One of the men snorted. "You've always brought some weird people, but this is by far the worst. What can she even do?"

"Well," Sirius started, "when she first got off the boat, two guards started harassing her. So she broke their legs faster than you could blink."

"Is that so?" The large man got up, keeping one hand on the table. He got uncomfortably close to her face, and, like the guards, reeked of alcohol, but this time mixed with having never brushed his teeth his whole life. She was pretty sure the guards hadn't brushed their teeth their whole life, but they were too drunk for her to tell.

Rosa quickly looked at his hand that rested on the table. "Sir, could you please get out of my face." She formed it as a question, but said it as a command.

"Or what?" He spat back in her face.

The whole hideout was silent, and her patience was waning. She looked the man dead in the eye, pulled out her kunai, and stabbed it in his hand. She made it halfway around the table before the man tried to walk and realized his hand was stuck to the table.

His face turned red with pain or anger. She couldn't tell, nor did she care to know. The tavern was still silent, aside from a few who were silently giggling.

He looked at her, trying to pull the kunai out. With that, she said, "What? You want the kunai out that badly? Suit yourself," And she pulled on the rope belt and yanked the kunai right out of the man's hand.

He started screaming, and it was a bloody mess. She looked him dead in the eye, a dirty look on her face. She looked over at Sirius, who was wide eyed. She looked around the silent room, then the room exploded with cheers.

Sirius walked up to her, letting out a sigh of relief. "Guess you're in," he said. He put his hand on her shoulder. She didn't push it off like she normally would. She doesn't like to be touched. But at that moment, she was just happy that she wasn't dead.