Chapter 8

They made it back up. "I'm tired," Sirius complained. Now that Rosa thought about it, she was tired, too.

"Me, too."

"I know an inn where we can stay."

"Oh thank gods!"

Sirius laughed, "You guys say that in Japan?"

"More or less. We worship many gods in Japan."

"Cool. Who's your favorite?"

"I don't have a favorite."


"Do you worship the gods here? Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto… Those are their names, right?"

"Ya. And yes, you have the names right."

"So who's your favorite?"

He thought for a second, then looked at her, "Venus."

He looked at her and smiled. She smiled back. She didn't know what he meant by that as she wasn't very familiar with the Roman gods and goddesses. They walked for a short time until they made it to the inn.

Sirius opened the door for Rosa. She walked through, nodding her head to him. Sirius walked up to the counter. "One room, two beds. If that's available."

"Yes, we have one open. 18 aureus please," The innkeeper replied. Sirius opened his pouch and placed 18 coins on the counter. "Second floor, first room."

Sirius and Rosa walked up the stairs to their room. Rosa walked in, set her bag on the ground, took off her katana and untied her kunai, plopped on the bed, and fell fast asleep.