Chapter 10

Rosa's eyes shot open, Sirius standing over her, a concerned look on his face. "You okay?" Sirius asked her.

"Ya," Rosa said, which was partly true.

"Oh…. kay? Wanna go?"


They walked out of their room, down the stairs, and into the lobby. Sirius handed the inn-keeper the room keys and Rosa walked to the door, holding it open for Sirius. The warm air hit her and blew her hair behind her. It felt nice. Sirius stood next to her and Rosa let the door close.

They kept walking, Sirius leading the way. Back to the mercenary place. She still didn't know what to call it. "Hey, Sirius?"


"What's the place called?"

"The… place? The inn?"

"No, no. The place where you first took me. Where we got the job and where I stabbed the dude in the hand?"

"Oh, that place. Guess I never told you the name, huh?" Sirius chuckled, "It doesn't really have a name. Officially. But everybody there just calls it 'Sanctuary'. It's a safe haven."

"Oh, okay. Thank you."


As they walked back to "Sanctuary", Rosa thought about her dream. Who was she? Why could I only hear her now? Does it mean that I'm close to this woman? Going in the right direction? GAHHH! I DON'T KNOW!

Sirius was trying to talk to her, though she didn't notice. "Hellooooo? Earth to Rosa. You in there?"

"Huh? Oh, ya, sorry. Just thinking."


"The dream that I had last night, no big deal."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Then why are you thinking about it"

"Can't a girl just think about her weird dreams in peace?" She looked at him and laughed.

He smiled back, "Guess you got me." The two started talking all the way back to Sanctuary.

--------- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

They sat down at the bar. Rosa put her head in her arms and laid her head in them. She let out a muffled scream, sat up, looked Sirius in the eyes, and smiled.

"You good?" He asked her.

"All fine and dandy!" She replied. He looked at her weird. She rested her head on her hand and started staring into space.

Soon, food arrived in front of her, which confused her very much. "Huh?" Rosa asked tiredly.

"It's food, Rosa. You need it to live."

"Wow, Sirius," She took her hand off of her face, resting it on the table, "How very insightful of you."

Rosa looked at the plate, which consisted of eggs, bread, cheese, a small assortment of vegetables, and a small portion of chicken. When did places like this get the money for meat and other good foods? Rosa didn't realize how hungry she was until she smelt the food. It smelt amazing. Rosa dug in, no regards for how a "proper lady" should eat. She finished before Sirius who looked at her, then her plate, and back up at her. He didn't say anything, but just kept eating.

After he was done, they walked up to the job board. They looked around, found a job that they both liked, then headed out on their next adventure.