Chapter 11

The meeting place on the paper was at a recruiting center. For people who wanted to be Roman guards. This one, explicitly for the people who wanted to protect the people with most power in Rome. The senators.

Rosa looked at Sirius, "This could very well be a set-up."

"Ya… But I'm not too worried about that. I've got you!"

"You are way too optimistic, boy." Rosa said. Sirius smiled at that.

"The paper said to meet with Lt. Craydo. We should just be able to ask for him."

They walked into the building to see a bunch of people scrambling around. Many senators. Many guards. Many regular people. Rosa assumed that the last worked there. This job was a protection job. Rosa looked around to see if anybody who resembled a lieutenant was around. Who she didn't expect to see was Senator Brocooli. He looked at them, smiled and nodded his head in a greeting, and walked off.

Rosa and Sirius walked up some desks. Rosa assumed they were desks for secretaries. Sirius asked a man sitting behind one of these desks, "May we speak to Lt. Craydo?"

"I'm sorry, sir," the man said, "He is currently very busy, as everybody else is, with Senator Curios… assassination? We think it's that at least. His head was cut off. We don't know if it was angry plebeians or what…" The man trailed off.

"Please, sir," Sirius began, "We really need to talk to him."

The man looked at them and relented, "Fine." He got up and walked into the back. A few moments later, he came back out with another man.

"Hello," The man said, "I am Lt. Craydo. Can I help you guys with anything?"

"Yes, sir," Sirius said, "We came to talk with you. Alone perhaps?"

The man looked at him, then the piece of paper in Rosa's hand. "Very well, follow me."

Sirius walked behind the desks, Rosa following behind him. When they walked into his office, there were a few people there. "I'm sorry to interrupt you guys," The lieutenant said, "But I'm going to need you to leave for a little bit. Down the hall are a few open meeting rooms and when I'm done here, I will meet you over there."

Some of them groaned, but got up anyway. After they were all gone, Craydo closed the door and sat down at his desk. There were two seats in front of the desk. He motions for them to sit. Rosa still had the paper in her hand, "May I see that paper?" Craydo asked her. She handed it to him, "Thank you," He smiled at her. She gave him an awkward smile back, as she wasn't prepared for that. He seemed respectful to women so far, so, extra points?

He took a quick glance at the paper and nodded his head. He looked back up at them, "Let us begin."