
Xander's Pov

Just another boring night with me in a basement interrogating one of my loyal men who betrayed me for money and fame. I head a painful, yet familiar scream come from that betrayer mouth it was so satisfying 'Xander you are so inhuman all I did was sell on of your ships how could you be so cruel I've served you for over 2 years' he had the nerve to mention our past relationship after he betrayed me, I was done being nice to him ' inhuman huh then I shouldn't show you any mercy then buy am feeling rather generous so after making you suffer I will let your family join you' after hearing those words he immediately went pale and started begging me which were music to my ears but they was no way I was going to let him die so easily

After 30 minutes

Xander leaves the basement with a sinister smile while cleaning blood from his hands, as soon as he got out, he was greeted by his men who were all trying not to make him angrier than he is.' sir second madam called earlier she said you should come home for dinner ' said one of the guards 'tell her am busy' Xander responded in both tiredness and annoyed but the guard kept going on 'she knew you would say that so she told me to let you know that if you don't come she will send your blinds dates to your house '. Xander grunt in frustration and asked what time the dinner is '8:30' the guard replied to his boss, he glanced at his watch, and it was only 5:30 that was enough time to blow off some steam call 'Jessica to my hotel room ' he said to his guard before he left.

skip to the girls

Ari want to come to my house my house to finish our project. Liz asked her friend in a tired tone and sadness. Arianna immediately glanced at her watch to check the time as she can't be late again 'fine what time' she asked Liz knowing that can't win against her. At '7 :25' Liz responded to her excitedly. I can go home and prepare dinner before I go to Liz 's house Arianna thought to herself