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skip to later in the evening

Am currently on my way at Liz's house to finish our school project. with every step I take I hiss in pain I can't lift a muscle in my body after I rushed back home to prepare food for my parents I got beat up because my dad was in a bad mood.

ding dong

I ring the bell when I reached Liz's house it didn't take long for the door to open as I think she let them know I will be coming there. I immediately recognize that person who opened the door it was a Mary Liz's nanny 'miss Arianna you are here 'she said with a polite yet friendly smile i returned the same smile but with a little disappointment cause every time I tell her to call me Ari instead of Miss, but she always calls me miss.' Miss Liz is in her room waiting for you' she tells me before entering the kitchen I didn't need her to tell me where Liz 's room is as I've spent a lot of time here more than my own house so am very familiar with this place, but before I entered Liz room, I bumped into her mum you are here, she said taking me into a bone crushing hug and adding pressure to my injuries but i couldn't let her know that .'Hi Mrs. Amanda ' I said to her 'it's been a while since you came here you have to stay for lunch' she said leaving no room for discussion but I didn't want to impose on them so I wanted to turn down her offer but she glared at me making me shut up of course 'I'd love to' I said afraid to refuse her she smiled in victory and said 'good girl Liz is in her room waiting for you' she said patting my head before walking away . I know on Liz's door and i didn't hear a come in but instead I received another bone rushing hug