Unknown stare

Xander's Pov

I was in deep asleep until i heard a loud knock on the door I asked who it was in an irritated voice it was Cane one of my trusted guards, he replied with 'sir it's me it's time to go ' I got up from the bed not before seeing a face caked with make-up asleep, I felt disgusted by it by I was more disgusted that I shared a bed with her knowing that after this she's going to another guy . immediately put on my clothes ready to leave but I know life won't be that nice to me she had to wake up and open her big mouth baby and 'say don't go stay with me ' she said touching my hands I wanted to throw up 'hands off' I snapped at her and she release her hands as she knows better than not to annoy me, I slam the door in her face and meeting Cane outside of the room 'sir you have a call' he says handing me my phone 'how long are you going to sleep around 'I hear from a tired yet grumpy voice I knew who that was without having to look at the caller id until i find the one I responded annoyed at him' you never change' he says before cutting the call look whose taking I wanted to reply to him but he already cut the call .

skip to the girls

'Finally,', Liz says throwing her hands up in the air they were finally done with their school project, and she couldn't be any happier than to get on her bed and sleep. Arianna just smiles at her friend's happiness but that smile turned pale as soon as she checked the time it was almost 9 pm she quickly started packing her things 'Liz sorry to spoil your fun I have to go home' she said in a hurry this got Liz's attention 'why stay for dinner please ' she said pleading with her friend I' can't I have to go home or am going to get another punishment she said without realizing it' 'what ' Liz got Liz attention what do you mean punishment Arianna immediately changed her words 'I mean another scolding ' Liz wasn't convinced but she knew that Arianna didn't want to come clean about it so she didn't force her 'ok but promise you will stay next time ' Liz said disappointed 'I promise' Arriana said with a sad smile as she didn't want to leave this peaceful house where she had people who cared about her and go to her house where she was treated as a maid and a punching bag . 'Come on I will give you a ride ' Liz said bringing me back from my thought. what no need i immediately refuses not wanting to bother her any longer this got Liz mad 'you won't stay for dinner but am definitely giving you a ride.' said leaving no room for arguments ' Liz no... ' She was got off by Liz saying 'take it or stay for dinner' 'fine I'll take it ' I said giving up.

they both went downstairs and was greeted by Liz's mom 'you girls ready for dinner' she said excited, but Liz had to break it to her mum that 'Ariana is not staying for dinner.' the smile on Liz's mom face immediately turned to disappointment 'why?' she asks with disappointment in her voice

'I... ' Before Ariana could answer the question Liz had already answered for her' mum it's late and she needs to go home, or her parents will be worried.' Liz said in a hurry ok Liz drive her home safely ' Amanda responded still disappointed. 'Bye honey' Amanda hugged Arianna before she left. Bye see you soon Arianna responded before following Liz outside her house. When they reached the car Liz realized that she didn't take her car keys with her, so she went back inside to take I'll be right back she said to Arianna before running back inside the house. while waiting for Liz outside Arianna felt that someone was watching her. She felt that person staring into her soul and that was enough to give her shivers, as if that wasn't enough, she felt a dangerous aura behind her but didn't dare to turn around until she heard a cold yet awfully gentil voice that can bring her to her knees 'are you lost baby girl?'