They are related ?

Elijah placed Liz gently on her bed ,but her hand was tightly wrapped around his neck 'pls don't leave me' he heard her murmur in her sleep he removed her hand from his neck and kiss her forehead goodnight Elijah went downstairs he saw Xander cleaning his gun knew what he was planning on doing so he decided to try and reason with him but he saw a file in front of him so he decide to have a look the file contain all information about Arianna. Elijah noticed that she had been to the hospital more than 50 times because of falling from the stairs, that reason was suspicious enough how can someone fall down from the stairs so many times.

Elijah noticed that her father was Derick Delgardo a frequent customer at one of Xanders casino he's known for his gambling addict and being an alcohol abuser and owns a lot of money at the casino. 'You are not thinking that.... ' Elijah didn't finish his sentence he because got a nod from Xander. Xander and Elijah both knew that Arriana didn't go to the hospital so because of falling down from the stairs because they was a rumor that Derick had been abusing his daughter, both Xander and Elijah didn't think that those rumors were true because the person spreading those rumors was drunk and wasted so they thought it was just a joke.

'Look Xander i know you are angry but calm down 'Elijah said trying to calm his friend down 'what makes you think am angry ' Xander said still not taking his eyes off his gun 'because you clean your gun every time you want to kill someone' he said pointing at the gun Xander is holding. 'Am not going to kill him am going to torture him slowly and make him wish that he was dead ' Xander said with a cold and sinister smile. as soon as he finished saying that one of the doctors rushed out saying that 'she's lost too many bloods and they was something wrong with her blood type' what's wrong with her blood type' Xander asked showing fear and anxiousness for the first time Elijah saw the cruel heartless man showing emotion , Elijah didn't know whether he should be happy that his best friend is finally showing concern for someone or whether this could see as his weakness and others could take advantage of this and hurt him. the doctor continued 'her blood is the same as Lucian' those words shocked both Elijah and Xander 'what that's impossible' Elijah said in disbelief how can their blood type be the same.' Are they related ' he asked .