This can't be possible

They are related. Elijah asked, 'let's find out' Xander said taking out his phone and dialed a number. 'Where are you?' he asked the person on the phone 'since when you have ever cared about my whereabouts' the person on the phone asked curiously,' am not going to ask you again' Xander said getting irritated and annoyed 'fine am in XY club why do you ask?' my men will come and get you in 10 minutes what why? Xander didn't give the person on the phone a chance to finish their question he immediately cut the call and order his men to go and pick him up.

30 minutes later

'Xandy I'm hereeeee.' A cheerful voice appeared as soon as the door was opened. ' 'why did you call for me ' Matteo asked Xander wondering why he asked him to come to his house for in such a hurry and this late. Xander asked the doctor to draw his blood to check if it will be a match. Matteo gave Xander a confuse look 'why do you mean draw my blood.' he asked confused as why Xander wanted his blood. 'I will explain it to you later' the doctors dragged Matteo inside the room to draw his blood despite his objections. 20 minutes after the doctors dragged Matteo inside the draw his blood he came out with a small cotton on his left arm ' Xander when did you turn into a vampire asking the doctor to draw all of my blood?' he said in a childish tone and pretending to cry. 'You still haven't changed' Elijah said rolling his eyes at Matteo this got Matteo's attention as he stopped pretending to cry and gave a serious look to Elijah 'I don't want to hear that from you who run away like a coward instead of facing your true feeling 'Matteo always knows what to say to trigger Elijah 'so tell me why you want my blood for?' He asked Xander still curious as why he want his blood for. Xander told Matteo to wait for the results before he tells him the reason. The following half hour was nerve wreaking the doctors were order by Xander to do a blood test to see if Matteo and Arianna's blood would match, Xander was worried that the blood wouldn't match, and it would be too late to save her meanwhile Elijah was wondering why the doctors were all rushing to that room was someone injured? one of the doctors came out in a hurry 'it's a match' he shouted holding a paper in his hand 'their blood match we can use 2nd master's blood ' the doctor said excited . this made Matteo even more curious as he snatched the paper from the doctor's hand, they paper stated that her and a girl named Arianna were siblings, at that moment Matteo felt as if he had been lied to all his life. For the Matteo Mcnelli was serious he was usually carefree and playful but now he was talking a serious tone.' Xander, Elijah what is the meaning of this?' Elijah started by saying 'Matt we can explain' ...but he was cut off by Mateo 'what do you mean you can explain I only have 1 sister but now am being told that i have another one no this can't be possible no, no it's not possible. ' As soon as he finished his sentence one of the doctors came out running that she was awake she is scared. what do you mean she's awake? Asked Matteo still confused because he still hasn't been told anything. 'well .. ' Elijah started but was cut of by Amanda who went to her room after telling Elizabeth to go to bed.