that's impossible

Armando opened the file in hurry wanting to know what made Matteo come home in a such hurry. The file contained a DNA test result of and a picture of a girl who looks so much like mom even Yazmin doesn't resemble mum who am I kidding that girl doesn't resemble anyone on our family. the Mcnelli family has black eyes and brown hair Yazmin has brown eyes and natural blonde hair. ' She look so much like mom Matt what is the meaning of this?' Armando asked his brother 'am not the one you should be asking' both brothers glanced at their father waiting for a response Antonio looked more confused that Armando and Matteo. Antonio also opens the other file that contained pictures of Yazmin and Derick 'what is she doing there?' Antonio asked, 'wait he looks familiar I've seen him somewhere its him.' Antonio said remembering him 'dad you know him? Matteo asked his dad yeah, a few years ago he was my driver, but he was secretly stealing money, so I fired him ' Antonio told his kids 'You only fired him after he betrayed you?' Armando asked his father in disbelief that his father Antonio Mcnelli ex capo of the second strongest Mafia in the world who was known for being ruthless and merciless didn't kill a man who betrayed him. 'I speared him because his wife was pregnant and so was your mother ' Antonio explained to his children. The following words that came out of Matteo shocked both Armando and Antonio. 'The girl you said looks like mom is his daughter ' both father and son looked at Matteo as if he grew 2 heads 'what do you mean by that?' Antonio asked Matteo 'her blood matches with mine do I still have explain it to you?' 'that's impossible' Armando said Both Antonio and Armando were too shocked to speak 'where is she?' Antonio finally had the courage to ask. 'she's getting treated at Aunt Amanda's house' Matteo answered 'Treated what's wrong with her? 'Armando asked Matteo 'that leads to another case' Matteo said 'What case?' Armando asked 'I don't know I forgot to ask ' both Armando and Antonio looked at Matteo in disbelief .