Let's find out

Armando didn't know whether to slap Matteo or to kick him 'how could you not ask that's your sister' Antonio asked his son in disbelief 'well am sorry I was told that I have an unknown sister out of nowhere ' Matteo replied back trying to defend himself. 'I'm still confuse as to why his daughter's blood matches with you'. Armando said then he turned to Antonio 'dad you and his wife didn't do what am thinking right' he received a glare from Antonio in response 'how dare think that I will ever cheat on your mother' Antonio couldn't belief his own son will think that he cheated on his wife. 'No that's impossible she looks so much like mom even Yazmin doesn't look like mom' Matteo said breaking the fight between his dad and brother Armand looked at his brother 'does that girl look like resemble anyone in this family? our family has black eyes and brown hair she has brown eyes and blonde hair' he then turned to his father 'am not going to lie to you dad during this years I've been thinking that Yazmin isn't your daughter.' those words broke Antonio as he began to think is he right? is Yazmin really not my daughter? Armando took his coat and approach the door 'where are you going' Matteo asked Armando 'to see my sister' Armando opened the door only to see his mom in tears 'mama' Matteo said shocked that his mom had heard all their conversation. 'Stef come down' Antonio tried to calm his wife. Stefania had heard almost all the conversation and she couldn't help but cry 'I want to come along' Armando knew there was no point in trying to argue with his mom, so he said 'let's go' Stefania followed her son. in the car none of them said a word 'Mom' Armando started but was cut off by Stefania 'Armando please don't' Armando decided not to talk anymore because to find out that you have a daughter that you have never met can be hard, so he decides to let his mom calm down first. After Armando and Stefania left Antonio decide to get a DNA test of Yazmin so he decides to call his family doctor 'yes sir' the doctor answered still sleepy' I want a DNA test of me, and Yazmin and don't let anyone know about it you have 4 hours to get me the result he then cut the call. You really think that she's not a Mcnelli Matteo asked already knowing the answer 'let's find out' Antonio asked.