Familiar staranger

When Arianna realised what was happening she immediately pushed Xander away and look at anywhere but him . but both of them could talk about anything that had happened a before both of them could dicuss about what had happen and knock interrupted them . Xander responded with a "cold come in" at who had interrupted them "What did I interrupt anything "Armando and Xander were both the same age and since their families were already friends both of them became partners in crime no one knows Xander more than armando and no one knows Armando more than Xander."Yes you did why do you always have to come at the bad time "said Xander While both of them were busy exchanging greetings Arianna was busy looking at Armando trying to figure out who he was he was a stranger yet he gave a really familiar vibe. "baby you are going to droll🤤 if you keep staring" Xander said bringing Arianna back from her thoughts back . Arianna was really embarrassed 😳 to have been caught staring again she blush biting her lips while looking down . stop calling me baby "My name is Arianna not baby" she said trying to change the topic and to save herself from more embarrassing incidents . "Baby,Arianna same thing to me " said Xander "if am a baby then you are my uncle"while both Arianna and Xander were arguing Armando couldn't help but look at his sister she had many bruises on her face some with first aid plasters on them with some had medicine on the them but regardless of the bruises and injuriesshe really did look like their mom . Armando couldn't believe that someone can do this to their own child he was already convinced that Derrick and Sandra weren't her real parents but now seeing the bruises and injuries she had can confirm them "You must be Arianna " Armando said breaking the arguments between both of them and walking towards the bed in she was laying on "yes and you are" she said politely. "I am your br.." before he could complete the sentence he was cut off by Xander "he's uncle as well if am your uncle ". Armando threw daggers at Xander for what he just said "its late you should rest " he said drawing Armado out of the room but before they could leave Arianna said she "wasn't sleepy" 😴 baby girl i wasn't asking now off you go to sleep " both men went out in the balcony to talk "why did you stop me" Armando asked Xander wanting to know why he didn't let him let Arianna the truth "she's not ready yet " said Xander "what do you mean she's not ready " said Armando really annoyed "Armando she had been abuse by the people she thought was her family and now you want to tell her she has an unknown brother out of nowhere? put yourself in her shoes it's not time yet " Xander said putting his hands pwn Armando's shoulder trying to reassure him " let her recover first and while she's doing that trying be be friends with her and show her that you will never harm her ." Armado decide to do what Xander said because all her life she had never received love from her so called family but that's all going to change now . Armando found it strange as to why the underground Mafia king was suddenly gentle to a girl . "Xand why are you so gentle with her you cant be .....can you" he asked teasing Xander . "Mind your business will you "Xander said brushing Armando's question off . "she kinda is my business now . " Xander glared at Armando .