Meeting Derrick

While the guys were busing talking Elijah came to bid them farewell as he had some business to attend to.

Next day

Xander and Armando was in Amanda's office discussing some mafia business when they heard a scream coming from the room Arianna was in, they thought something bad had happen so they both rushed into knock only to see Elizabeth hugging the life out of Arianna on the bed Arianna was laying on, both girls turned around to see who had barged into the room. 'Why do both of you look like you just run a marathon and Armando when did you get ' Elizabeth said sarcastically 'why are you scream this early morning?' Xander asked relief that nothing bad had happened. 'No reason but why are both of you still here shouldn't you both be at work or something?' Elizabeth was shocked that both Armando and Xander was still in her house usually after dinner Xander wouldn't stay for another half hour and Armando always avoid this place as much as possible so why are both of them still here? you both continue with what you were doing Armando said closing the door. on their way back to the office one of Xander's trusted guard came to let him know that Derrick is causing a fuss and kept on saying 'we are going to regret it' 'someone dare to threaten you that nice' Armando said with a chuckle Xander with a wicked smirk turned to Armando 'weren't you wondering where the man who hurts your sister is ' those words made Armando furious 'that bastard is still alive? where is he' he asked the guard 'in prison' replied asked the guard Armando rushed into his car Xander quickly followed him afraid that he might kill Derrieck Xander wanted Derrick dead but not now .

in the prison when derrick saw both of them, he started trembling as if someone had poured cold water on him. Xander was looking at him with his deep azure eyes as if he was a rat he had caught you could see he was furious, and Armando was looking at him with his deep black eyes which one could get lost in. he said 'X..Xand..Xander Del Rossi, An..Antonio no you are Armando Mcnelli' Derrick said stuttering and shivering at the sight of both of them Derrick was shocked at the sight of both of Armando and Xander both of them were known as '(re dei sotterranei)' which meant king of the underground they were known for their cruelness and for being merciless to anyone who offended them. Derrick had always feared both of them even when they were children but now as adults, they were more dangerous than when they were children. 'Look at you are trembling like a disgusting rat oh wait you already are ' Armando said in a cold tone that even the guards guarding the prison felt goosebumps. Armando bend down to Derricks level 'hey rat you what did you do this my sister? did you have fun using her as your stress relive bag?' he said with an no emotions of his face ' you found out no wait did you perhaps make a mistake she is my daughter' Derrick said hoping to change his viewpoint .