your daughter?

'Your daughter? 'Armando said with a dark sinister laughter. 'So, they doctor who made the DNA tests made a mistake?' Armando asked Derrick. 'Yes, they probably did, Arianna is my own daughter ' Derrick said trying to convince Armando. Armando let out a dark smirk I didn't say my sister was Arianna while Armando and Derrick were talking Xander was just glaring at him if looks could kill Derrick would have been buried already.

While the guys were interrogating Derrick. Amanda took Stefania to see Arriana as she promised, when they arrived at Arriana 's room she and Elizabeth were in a heated conversation so they decide to just listen to what they were discussing Arriana started Liz I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my father he... but she was cut off by Elizabeth 'I thought we were friends why didn't you tell me' Liz asked in hurt that she didn't know that Arianna smiled to hide her pain 'if I did, he would have hurt you and then we would have to move again' Am sorry Liz from now on I promise I would never hide anything from you ever again. 'Arianna said showing her pinky finger, if you ever hide anything from me again am going to cut all ties with you' Elizabeth also said locking the pinky finger together. Arriana felt guilty about not telling her that she and Xander had kiss. Stefania and Amanda were outside the room and Stefania couldn't help crying her eyes out after hearing what Arriana had to go through. 'Stef calm down 'Amanda said trying to calm her down 'she went through so much and I wasn't there with her am a bad mother ' Stefania was crying a mess after hearing what Arriana had to go through. It's not your fault you didn't know' Amanda said comforting her. 'Come on let's go meet her' Amanda said knocking on the door. 'Come in, Aunt Stef when did you get here' Elizabeth said as soon as she saw who entered the room and throwing herself into Stefania's arms. 'Hi baby how is you doing' Stefania asked Elizabeth 'fine I have so much to so much to tell you' Elizabeth said and she clocked that she had forgotten something oh my I almost forgot Aunt let me introduce you this is my best friend, Arianna. Elizabeth said and pointing at Arianna .