The Truth hurts Pt2

Back to Armando and Xander

Armando wasn't wrong when it came to both of them Xander was the cruelest . Armado got a call from his dad right after they left the prison . "Yazmin isn't..." before he could finish that sentence Armando finished it for him "your daughter yes, Derrick switched them" Armando said puttingthe calling on speaker so Xander can hear it "but how did he do that though? Mom gave birth in our private hospital " asked Armando confused 😕 to how Derrick could switch the babies without being caught. Antonio explained to both of them how Derrick managed to switch the babies without being caught "after I fired Derrick he still was in contact with some of my men like the midwife who helped your mom give birth they had long planned that after the baby comes out the midwife will give your mom some drugs for her to go to sleep so they can switch the babies. and after he switchedthe babieshe came back 10 years later to see yazmin and she being a greedy little girl who got everything she wanted didn't want have all of that taken away from her so they started planning on how to get rid of Arriana and that's why there were pictures of Yazmin and Derrick meeting each other " After hearing that information from his investigators Antonio was shocked to see many people he trusted all betraying him one at a time before he cut the call with Armando he told him "its time to clean up he needs to clean up all the people that has betrayed him before seeing his daughter" and as for yazmin she's going to pay dearly. Antonio finished the call by asking Armando how "Arianna is doing?"

"shes doing alroght she doesnt look like someone who just died and came back probably because she's been doing that all her life" Armando said in sadness and regretfully same night Yazmin couldn't have a good sleep her eyes kept twitching like something bad was going to happen and when she woke up Armando and Stefania were no where to be found and Antonio also disappeared *what was going on she thought * could the things her biological mother said last night be true did the Mcnelli family find out about something. Yazmin didn't like the way her biological parents were living she had once visited where they were living and she felt so disgusted 🤢 that she puked and never visited again. she didn't want to live in that small house that didn't even have maids . what will her friends think of her she knows that all of her friends are just with her because of her surname Mcnelli if she were to lose that then they would mock her and look down on her Yazmin was used to loking down on ther people but never had someone looked down on her . When Antonio came back home Yazmins nanny asked if everything was alright because Yazmin has been pacing around all day . Antonio didn't answer the nanny he felt betrayed and lied to all his life all he ever want led was a baby girl to love and spoil he promised himself that once he jas a baby girl he wouldn't even let a fly hurt her but now,he found out that his baby girl has been hurt all her life and he has been loving and protecting the daughter of the man who has been hurting his daughter . Antonio wasn't going to stood so low to Derrick's and start abusing Yazmin she he is going to make her pay but he also raised Yazmin for so many years.