I'll make those you hurt you pay 3 times

Late night

Around midnight Arriana woke up with a dry throat she looked over to her bedside hoping to see water 💦 there but there was none she got up from the bed for the first time since she woke up and she felt her old injuries and new ones hurting and hissed in pain. she managed to go to thw kitchen as she was pouring water she heard a voice that scared her "Why are you not sleep" She was so scared that she dropped the glass 🍸 of water 💦 she turned around to look at who the voice belongs and there stood Xander looking fresh as he just got out of the shower with just a tower wrapped around his lower waist he still hasn't dried himself and so the water was dripping from his hair to his neck then to his chest and from his chest to his abs "damn he's fine " Arianna said without even realising that she said it loud 🔊 for him to hear. she kept on looking at where the drops of water were going that she didn't even notice the mischievous smirk Xander was giving her "like what you see baby girl " he asked with smirk 😏 on his face that got Arrianas attention as she immediately looked down to cover her blushing 😳 face . when she looked down she saw pieces of the broken glass and it brought back memories of when Derrick punished her for breaking a glass 2 years ago. Xander noticed Arianna shivering. baby girl whats wrong Xander asked touching her shoulder which made Arianna let out a scream "pls don't hit me am sorry I didn't mean to break the glass " she said through tears . Xander felt a pain in his hurt *did she think I'm going to hit her just for breaking a glass * Xander thought "baby look at me" Arianna raised her head to look Xander's eyes "I'm never going to hurt you ok and am going to make anyone who has hurt you pay 3 times the pain you've felt" said Xander comforting Arianna. Without a thought Arianna hugged Xander tightly crying into his chest they stayed like that for a while until Xander carried Arianna into her room . After putting Arianna on the bed Xander kissed her on the lips and turned around to leave the room please don't leave she said with an even dried throat after all that crying and while holding Xanders hands. "Baby am never going to leave you am just going to get some clothes and I'llbe back soon". After hearing that Arianna let go of his hands and Xander left the room and came back 4 minutes later only to find Arianna lardy asleep. "good night baby" he said and laid down on the bed with Arianna