006: Second phase. (edited)

Yeesh. The first phase of the exams was so boring. It happened like Canon What with Naruto slamming his hand down and Yada yada. The second phase is one that's confusing me so much. There's something that happens during the second phase of great significance but i can't seem to remember it. I'm racking my brain to go through what happens in the anime. That's it! 'Sasuke gets his Curse Mark. Now the question is should i let canon continue, or figure out a way to stop it? Pros and cons. Pros, Sasuke gets that training from Orochi-pedo. He meets Jugo, Karin and Suigetsu. Cons? I plan to stop gaara from being taken by the Akatsuki. Which means Deidara and Sasori need to die. Then im guessing they'll send more members. If sasuke joins in capturing gaara it'll be a huge pain in my ass. Guess im stopping it. But how to find them? Gaara should be able to feel bijuu chakra right?'

"Gaara do me a favor. You're the Jinchuuriki of the one tail. Which means in-theory, you should be able to find others. Can you try and sense Naruto? I'm pretty sure they are in trouble."

Gaara looks skeptical, and wonders why i ask but says anyways "Ok ill try my best!"

'Wait, Could my chakra rods negate Pedo-snake's chakra? I'm like 90% sure they can, so even if he gets bitten I can seal his chakra away by putting a small needle into the mark.'

(A.N. The way i imagine The curse mark to be is like a bundle of chakra, that rejuvenates itself over time, that's how they can draw power from this. I also think i remember hearing that the curse mark corrodes the mind, somewhere in the anime, maybe. I understand its just a convenient way to seal off the curse mark but i tried to put logic behind it.)

Gaara finds Kurama's Chakra signature and follows it, We encounter three teams on the way there. We got two earth scrolls and a heaven scroll. By the time we get there Pedomaru is gone and sasuke is left with that Icky bite. Sakura is hidden in a tree with naruto and sasuke. She looks at me and is about to scream but i knock her out before she could. I make a tiny needle of Chakra rod and sink it into sasuke's neck deep under his skin so he doesn't know it's there. I'm hoping it will eat away at orochimaru's curse mark until it doesn't have enough chakra to sustain itself and dies. I took a little bit of pity on them and gave them the heaven scroll we got from the teams. We already have both scrolls so giving them one is of no consequence. Since 'i think' i took away sasuke's ability of instant unfair powerup, I might as well protect them from dosu and them. I've told gaara and kankuro of my plans so they're cool with it. I sent kankuro off to collect firewood and gaara to fish while i watch over them. I'm lost deep in thought about how I can become a chakra sensor when I hear Sakura screech behind me. I look back, scoff, and look forward again. 'Maybe I can become a chakra sensor by Chakra-echolocation? Sending out pulses of chakra to feel my surr- "Don't Ignore me!"

*sigh* "Shut up will you? Your voice is the most annoying thing I've ever heard. Those screeches of yours sound like your performing in a banshee concert. Not to mention your probably attracting everything in the forest." This seems to shut her up. I stand up and make a rock clone. "Doton: Sekkai Bunshin no Jutsu!" "Watch over them please, At least until sasuke or naruto wakes up. I'm going for a walk.''

As i'm walking through the forest trying to test my Chakra-Location I notice a random girl, alone, being attacked by a bunch of genin. I hear things about **** and other nasty stuff I think i remember her from the first phase. I pull out my kagune and chakra rods to go fight, I should help her, It's nice to save a damsel in distress every once in a while. I jump infront of her and start fighting the small group of six weak genin. They didn't last for more than 30 seconds. I look at the random damsel in distress, "Are you alright?" i ask. Easiest question to ask, straightforward and to the point. She nods her head slowly eyes stuck on my wings and tail. 'Shit, i might be a little intimidating for her.' My kagune goes back into my back, "Better?" i ask her to which she looks just a bit relieved but still on guard. "Whats your name? My name is Rokuro." she stutters and mumbles a bit. "T-tomoko". Maybe she's a little shy. Trying to defuse the tension a bit i say "Alright T-tomoko what can this Knight in Shining armor do for you?" I say just now realizing im covered in blood.

"pff, Hahahaha!" she bursts out laughing as do I.

We slowly stop laughing and i ask "Can you walk?" "No not really, I have a bad gash on my thigh and cant really move it." she responds. "Okay then, ill carry you back to my camp so you dont die out here at least." I pick her up and start walking towards my camp. I look back to see a Kunai coming towards my face.

I barely dodge death. Death is a fickle mistress. She must have been angry and woeful that i didn't join her. I dodge a second Kunai and slam her into the ground. She coughs out a small amount of blood. I guess that the whole "Rape" thing she was screaming about must have been a ploy to lure an unsuspecting ninja like myself. She looks at me and utters "p-plea-" I cut her head clean off with my tail. I was pissed that i let my guard down so low. Pissed that i was so naive. I walk back to the camp and come across gaara bickering with sakura.

"Did you explain the scroll and stuff to naruto and his team?" I ask


"Do we have both scrolls?"


"Lets go to the tower. There is no need to stay here any longer."

Gaara nods as we make our way to the tower.

We get to the tower a few hours later only to be the first ones there. Only a couple of hours have passed. I think even with helping naruto and almost getting sliced by that bitch we still only took an hour and a half after Itachi. All in all, good time. I put a nice piece of cloth over my eyes, as a limitation to train a new skill i came up with. Chakra-Location. Useful for finding people, and incase i ever do get blinded i can still function. 'I am totally going to weeb out and wear the same kind of blindfold as Gojo satoru. Only difference between me and gojo is, gojo is a complete badass. Its time to train my chakra-location. I start sending out chakra pulses to find out where things are. As i'm doing this i'm slowly fine tuning it so i can send out better pulses and also bring my chakra back into my body so i can reuse it. Over and over i send out my CL pulses. Theres that feeling of improvement i love so much. I can feel my senses getting sharper as they refine themselves while im not using my eyes.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys im going to end it here because its midnight and im tired. Ciao!