007 Preliminaries. (edited)

I forgot to put Rokuro's stats in the last chapter so here they are.


Name: Rokuro

Age: 12

Title: Genin


(Agi) 35.9

(Dex) 28.1

(Int) 32.4




(exp) 25.5

Overall: 248.2


Name: Rokuro

Age: 12

Title: Genin


(Agi) 35.9

(Dex) 28.1

(Int) 32.4




(exp) 25.7

Overall: 246.4

His experience went up a small tiny bit because he fought that group of genin,


For the past three days i have continuously used chakra-location to better my proficiency in it. Most will feel a light breeze pass by them as my chakra pulses rush through the building to give me sight while im blindfolded. It is now time for the preliminaries. I get up and walk out to the arena. I see everyone there along with naruto who looks at me and yells "AAH! Rokuro! What happened to your eyes??"

I reply simply "Nothing, I'm just training"

Naruto was about to continue but the Hokage clears his throat. He tells us why the reason for the chunin exams exist and all that blah blah blah. I notice he looks at me as if pondering something.

'Hmm, I can feel light pulses of chakra coming to and from that child. Why?'

He ponders for a few minutes and hasn't come to a conclusion.

(A.N, Echolocation has never been seen before in this world so his chakra-location hasn't been known by anyone other than him. To others it just feels like a small little gust of wind is passing by them, but those more experienced in chakra will know its chakra.)

The matches go like canon until its my turn. I vs Sasuke. i hop down as i think, 'His canon match must have been one of the teams gaara and temari attacked while i was watching team 7. Come to think of it i haven't seen kabuto here either.'


I scratch my neck as i wait for sasuke to come within my chakra pulse range.

(A.N I figure i should explain this too. He has a set range of his chakra pulses if he wants to pull them back into him and reuse the chakra. He can send them out farther but after a certain distance he loses control of the chakra.)

I pull out my tail and wings as i feel him push through my chakra sense. My one big tail splits into three smaller tails.

"Katon! Gokakyuu no jutsu!" Sasuke yells out making me jump out of the way. I can hear sasuke getting progressively more angry.

"Fight me head on you bastard!"

I chuckle, "Okay" My kagune disappears and i pull out Chakra rods. He attacks me and i'm parrying, deflecting, blocking, dodging, you name it. I dodge and deck sasuke sending him flying across the room.

--Pov Gaara--

Im currently watching Rokuro fight the Uchiha. Its quite entertaining i must say. He's only playing with the boy. Meanwhile the pink and blonde fangirls are screeching about how sasuke would never lose, and how he's too amazing for that. They're saying this while sasuke is getting his ass handed to him. I looked at their reaction to his kagune, Priceless. Fangirl #1 looked queasy while Fangirl #2 Called him a monster. Quite funny. "Rokuro, Finish this, i want cookies!" I yell out. Some people looked at me for my outburst. While others were wondering, 'Finish this? He's been having trouble with the boy the entire time hasn't he?'

--Pov Rokuro--

I hear gaara tell me to finish and i roll my eyes. 'Whatever, i was enjoying myself'

I Rush at sasuke turning a rod into a battle hammer. With full intent of knocking him out i slam the hammer into his face, which sends him flying into the wall. He gets up from the crack in the wall. He is pretty durable. I guess that will for revenge helped him out more than the anime showed. He runs at me and i dodge and slide under him grabbing his right leg and slamming him into the ground. Afterwards i throw him upwards and as he is falling i jump up and perform an axe kick. I hold the bottom of my foot up high in the air. When he is falling i bring my foot down on his stomach, propelling him into the ground with the force of my kick. He's out cold. I hear sakura screech about sasuke but i ignore her and make my way up to the balcony. My match was the last one. Only difference with the preliminaries is, gaara didn't completely crush lee's arm and leg. We now have a month before the Final exams which im going to use to relax and train my Chakra-Location (Im going to call this CL from now on)

I head out of the preliminaries with gaara and we walk towards the festival that's happening during the chuunin exams. Thus starts a night of fun where i am constantly running from stand to stand playing all kinds of games and eating lots of food. I'm having an amazing time just hanging out, without a care in the world. I'm content with my life.


Yo Bit of a shorter chapter today cuz i've just been told that i "Absolutely must go hang out with my brothers today" so seeya. Any questions just write them into the comments and ill do my best to answer them. Btw i might just skip the whole attack on the leaf because i figured it wouldn't be as interesting as everything in canon would happen except instead of the sand and sound its just a larger sound village and some mercenaries. Tell me if your cool with me skipping it or not. Ill try and make the next one longer. ill post it somewhere around friday. Ciao!