010: Timeskip & Jonin exam. (edited)

The picture of his mask is at the end of the last chapter.


After becoming chuunin Gaara, Kankuro, and I did many missions throughout the past few years. We would have had to go help the leaf ninja save sasuke but that didn't happen because the curse mark didn't fuck with his mind after i put the chakra rod inside of it. He knew he still needed power, that was just not the way to go about it. During missions i used my hollow mask as much as i could. Side effects? The mask is heavier and denser. I used to be able to use the mask for about two minutes, then after the two minutes were up it started to mess with my mind. after another 4-5 minutes were up i'd go full uncontrolled vasto lorde. I figured this out the hard way when i was training in the middle of the desert. Though after my chakra ran out it seems my body forcibly shut my chakra paths down to stop the transformation. This did cause some rather, unsavory damage, but using the mask healed them soon enough. I can now last for Fifteen minutes before i start to lose control.

I take a quick look at my stats to see if i'm ready for a Jonin exam.

Name: Rokuro

Age: 16

Title: Chuunin

(Str) 30.9 -->45.4

(Agi) 39.4 --> 53.3

(Dex) 32.2 -->44.4

(Int) 35.8--45.0

(Cha) 48.4-->69.6

(CC) 46.2-->69.0

(VIT) 28.5-->40.3

(exp) 28.7-->70.3

Overall: 287.5-->424.4

Hollowfied mask stats.

Name: Rokuro

Age: 16

Title: Chuunin

(Str) 45.4 --> 100

(Agi) 53.3 -->100

(Dex) 44.4 -->100

(Int) 45.0

(Cha) 69.6

(CC) 69.0

(VIT) 40.3 -->100

(exp) 70.3

Overall: 424.4 --753.9

(A.N Guys dont mind his age. I didn't fix his age during the chuunin exams but he should be 16 right about now. Btw average jonin has an overall stat of 315. average kage has a stat of 500 and a middle kage has around 700.And a high kage has 850. Madara and hashirama are at 1000 Btw his mask is not as powerful as it should be as he hasn't unlocked his full controlled vasto lorde form which will make the masks effectiveness go up higher because he has full control over his hollow powers.)

Yeah, I think i was well ready for the Jonin exam. It was different from Konoha's exam. This one, had you fight A couple different Jonin class ninja, took a test on theory, and if your skills were proven satisfactory, then you were promoted. Seems simple enough for me. I was on my way to the Kage's office.

*knock* *knock* i hear Gaara's smooth voice respond. "Come In."

"Hello Kazekage-sama. I'd like to request a Jonin exam." I say with a big smile on my face.

*sigh* "Rokuro, I already told you to stop calling me that and just call me Gaara."

"Nah teasing you is so much more fun."

Gaara thinks with a malicious smile on his face. "Ok Rokuro. I'll allow you to join the exams. But yours will be different. Instead of a couple One on One battles. You'll have one big battle with you, vs a squad of four Jonin and me. I expect you to be at this building first thing tomorrow morning." He says as he points to a big reddish, orange building.


--Quest! Become a Jonin!--

Its time to take the next step in your ninja career! Become a Jonin by any means necessary!

Rewards: Vasto lorde hollow form. +10 all stats. 100,000 ryo. Sasuke's sword of kusanagi to seal your Ressureccion form into.

I walk out of his office and head back to my apartment. After a few hours i head up onto the roof when i notice some suspicious activity during the night. A white bird made of clay is currently flying around the village. My eyes narrow. 'I lost track of time in my fun. I completely forgot the Akatsuki were after gaara. I watch Deidara fly around for a bit until i see gaara fly up to him on his sand. Not the smartest move but gaara doesn't know who he is or if he is a danger to the village. 'Its go time'

I hop off the roof and grab onto gaara's sand to make myself a foothold. I could just make a platform out of hollowfied chakra as that is dense enough, but i want to save that for when i need it. "Wooh, gaara, attracting crazy fangirls again?" I ask in a lighthearted tone. The anime didn't do deidara any justice. He really and truly looked like a female. His voice didn't match his looks at all.

"Im not a fangirl!" i hear deidara shout out angrily in the backround

Gaara catches onto what im doing and complies. "Shut up fangirl" he says snarkily. This succeeds in pissing Deidara off and he immediately starts making small clay bombs. 'Now whats the best way to go about this.' i think as i try and form a solid plan in my head.

With my plan formed i decided it was best to end this as quickly as possible. I hollowfied and attacked. Kagune and everything. When i have both my mask and my hollowfication my Kagune gets black lines around my tails and while lines on my wings.

*tchtchtchtchtch* Is the sound of my crystals shooting out and piercing Deidaras flesh. Disorienting him with every action he takes. Gaara attacks him with his sand but deidara is harder to kill than he anticipated. He throws a bunch of his smaller bombs at us to try and get us to run but gaara just raises a shield of sand. Its at this point i start charging my cero. A ball of fear and dread personified. All into the tiny point by my fingers. The despair you can feel from this cero is palpable. My cero is a mix between A midnight black, and the deepest purple. It fires off and hits deidara right on. Instant kill. The hole in his chest might be a good indicator. I know he has one last trick hidden in his body should he ever die. I yell "Gaara get him out of the village now!" Gaara Yeets His body as hard as he can with his sand. An enormous explosion happens merely kilometers away from the village turning the sand into molten glass. Im guessing from what just happened Sasori knew he couldn't defeat us so he was probably on his way back to the Akatsuki hideout to get some backup. Killing deidara was easy because you have two kage level shinobi to fight him. I look at gaara. "That sure was fun wasn't it?"

*Sigh* "Well rokuro, You have obviously displayed Jonin level skills. So I'll count this as your exam. You're officially promoted to jonin"

--Quest complete! Become a Jonin!--

Its time to take the next step in your ninja career! Become a Jonin by any means necessary!

Rewards: Vasto lorde hollow form. +10 all stats. 100,000 ryo. Sasuke's sword of kusanagi to seal your Ressureccion form into.

Accept rewards? Y/N

I say goodbye to gaara and head home for the night. Once i got home i immediately accepted the rewards. 100,000 ryo and The sword of Kusanagi appeared before me. I could feel my Hollow chakra getting so much more dense. And it also took a piece of itself and went into the sword. Bonding itself and me with the sword of kusanagi.


Images here.

Ok guys its late so im ending the chapter here. Tell me did i rush the fight too much? or did you like the fast paced combat? should i stretch out the combat scenes more? I will do that for fights like pain, madara, and kaguya. But should i do that for other fights too? LMK seeya!