011 Training and mission. (edited)

So far training with my Ressureccion has gone pretty well. I haven't lost my shit just yet. I can keep the form on for Fifteen minutes without starting to go batshit crazy. My mask time has increased to an hour with no drawbacks except a small bit of chakra loss. And its more powerful too now that i've achieved Ressureccion.

(A.n Ressureccion is what the arrancars call their unsealed zanpakuto form.)

I've learned a couple things from my Ressureccion. It allows me to make a gran rey cero. Which is a bigger more explodey cero. And then i can use Cero Oscuras. Which From what I've studied, While more powerful than a Gran rey cero, its better at penetrating things and breaking through armor. My very own Ressureccion ability allows me to make a Limited range domain where i control most everything in it. The only thing i cant do is open my domain and make it so i'm suddenly stronger than an opponent that was stronger than me. It just gives me an advantage. Its like a combination between Trafalgar Law's Ope Ope no mi, And Gojo Satoru's Domain expansion. Another thing i have found out is that i can kinda enforce my will onto others. Somewhat like Conqueror's haki but not. If i send out a pulse of my chakra while in my Vasto lorde transformation, then its like people feel a small inkling of despair in the back of their minds which makes them more likely to slip up and give me an advantage in a fight. The worse your will is, the worse the despair is. Of course, it wouldn't work on someone like Madara, or Hashirama, i'm not at that level yet.

--Timeskip, three months--

Stats (This includes the +10 all stats. from his quest reward.)

Name: Rokuro


Title: Jonin(Gaara's right hand man.)

(Str) 45.4 --> 70.6

(Agi) 53.3 -->89.9

(Dex) 44.4 -->67.5

(Int) 45.0 --> 66.7

(Cha) 69.6 --> 104.4

(CC) 69.0 --> 104.0

(VIT) 40.3 -->88.7


Overall: 424.4 -->692.9

Mask stats

(Str) 70.6 -->130

(Agi) 89.9 -->130

(Dex) 67.5 -->130

(Int) 66.7

(Cha) 104.4

(CC) 104.0

(VIT) 88.7 --130


Overall: 692.9-->896.2

Ressureccion Stats


(Str) 70.6 -->200

(Agi) 89.9 -->200

(Dex) 67.5 -->200




(VIT) 88.7 -->200


Overall: 692.9 -->1,176,2

I'm very prepared for Almost anything thrown in my way. I haven't had full time to train with it all yet but i'm sure i can hold my own against damn near everything in the war. But its war, theres always, ALWAYS, a possibility for me to die. As im thinking about how to increase my overall battle ability i hear a knock at my door. I open to see one of Gaara's anbu here at my house.

"Kazekage-sama wishes to see you."

"Alright ill be there"

I head over to gaara's office wondering what kind of mission he could have for me now.

*Knock* *knock* "come in"

"Ah Kuro. Good i have a couple things i need to speak with you about. Firstly, There is a kage summit in a months time and i want you to be my bodyguard. And secondly i need you to take a trip to the ocean, and dig from the bottom, to make an underground tunnel to make sunagakure a well. Think you can do that for me?"

"Yeah sure. It shouldn't be too big of a problem." I have plenty of time before the kage summit to be able to dig this tunnel. I suggested this awhile ago and gaara liked the idea. Its nice to know my ideas are being heard. See the land of wind borders the ocean. And i figured that i could use earth jutsu to clear a big ass underground path all the way from sunagakure, to the ocean. It would take me awhile since i dont have a team with me, but i should be able to get it done in a month

(Map for reference)

I don't quite understand why this was not done before. If Sunagakure simply just taught a team of Doton users, then they could dig through the land to the sea for an irrigation system. Of course, that water would be deep close to the bottom of the ocean so ill be starting there. I should be able to make a couple pockets for me to sleep in and breathe. If not then i can just swim back to the surface using water jutsu. I pack my bags and head out to start getting to the edge of the continent. Its an S rank mission because of the threat that i could die from water, and if the other villages find out then they'll want to stop me because a lot of the goods in Suna are imported but with this so much more will become possible. I get to the ocean and take of my clothes leaving just my underwear. Diving deep into the ocean can be dangerous but i'm going to make an air pocket into the continents wall as soon as i get deep enough.

(A.n. Btw i dont know shit about diving. I vaguely remember there being something about either rising too fast or diving too fast can put you in some serious danger because of pressure or some shit like that but this is a fanfic, and that doesn't apply here.)

On my way down i see something that looks somewhat like a tail go into a cave. Piquing my curiosity i follow it. It leads to an air pocket in the cave, with a dangerous looking monster in it. It looks somewhat like if a sabretooth tiger had a baby with a Shark and it looks dangerous as fuck.

(Image here.)

I jump out of the water because i want to learn more about it and fight it. It growls at me and looks to be protecting something. A scroll? You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hah! second post within two days. I had some excess freetime today so i figured id post. Ill try and make a schedule out of this but no promises. And for those upset with the breakup with temari, fret not, He will not go into a state of " i can no longer love anyone anymore" at all.