015: Pillow talk?

Kaguya: "Hello Kuro"


I froze. Did kaguya just talk? I look back at kaguya and see her giggling at my reaction. I was surprised. Her voice is soothing and melodious, it makes me want to collapse into her arms and never get out. If i could compare it, its like the feeling your bed gives you in the morning when you don't want to get up. Like your bed is just the comfiest thing in the world and as long as your in that spot, you'll be comfy and content forever.

I walk over to kaguya and plop myself down into her lap. Its ironic that when she wants to talk, i have no words.

Kaguya: "Kuro?"

Kuro: "Ah! yes Kaguya?" I snap out of my stupor.

Kaguya: "How are you?"

Kuro: "I'm okay right now. I'm happy i can now talk to you"

Kaguya giggles at that

Kaguya: "Kuro, i'm glad i had the chance to meet you even if in my dreams."

Kuro: "I too, loved being here kaguya. I had a good time sitting here with you."

Kaguya: "It's really boring in here. I've been here for the past couple centuries with nothing to do bit sit here with me and my thoughts. Then you came along."

Kuro: "ah your bored you say? Why don't i tell you some stories? Some of my experiences and adventures?"

Kaguya" I would love that."

'Hmm, which one should i start with. ooh- no, that one is too violent. I got it!

Kuro: "Ok, i got it. Ill tell you my story."

(A.N this will practically be a summary of his entire life so far.)

Kuro told her all about Everything. He told her from age 8 and on. Telling her about his experiences in the ninja academy, with gaara, cooking. Everything. The only thing he didn't tell her about was his system. (Yet) he told her about his time in the chuunin exams, and how he helped save the leaf village with gaara and kankuro. He told her about the time he fought deidara and saved gaara. Then the time when he ment Omonari and Nobuo. Then onto the kage summit. And then now. (he of course left out some of the more gruesome details) By the end it was time to leave because he had to return to the real world. She was sufficiently entertained.

Kuro: "Ah its time for me to go kaguya. Ill see you tomorrow night."

Kaguya: "Aw, ok. Fine but you must come back tomorrow."

--Pov kaguya--

That boy sure has had some strange adventures. They were very entertaining to listen to. To watch the emotions run across his face as he experienced his life over again explaining it to me. Hearing about this Gaara made my heart warm. He told me about how theres a war going on and i frowned at that. I guess some things never do change but oh well. After regaining my sanity enough to think, i thought about what i really wanted. I don't want to take my chakra back. I don't want to fight. I just want to be happy away from the threat of the Otsutsuki. To have my own complete happy family, ones that wont betray me. I don' know. What i do know, is i like Kuro. He is kind, and compassionate, he visits me every single night. Telling me of his experiences. Saving me from boredom, and spending time with me. I just wish i could meet him in my real body, and not this dream. Maybe one day. One day ill get out of this cursed moon. One day ill be happy. Kuro has brought that hope back to me. He now gives me something to look forward to. His return, every single night.

Unbeknownst to kuro, Kaguya had a couple yandere tendencies. He didn't know what she was thinking about.

(A.N Comment here and tell me if you think this is forced or not. I mean, he has been visiting her for a month and a half. Saving her from insanity and boredom. She isn't in love with him just yet, but its heading that way)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry for a bit shorter of a chapter today, i needed to go and run some errands, and visit some family around town, so i didn't have as much time today, tomorrow will have a longer chapter so dont worry.