016: Starting skirmishes of the war.

We got back to the village and instantly prepared for war. Today is the day gaara speaks to the shinobi alliance. I'm ready to hear that speech! Gaara walks up to the front. Looking at the crowd, he opens his mouth.

"From the First great ninja war to the last, Shinobi have wounded and come to hate each other for the benefit of their own nation and village. That hatred led to a desire for power, and that desire for power created someone like me.

I too was once full of anger, and hatred. For i was a jinchuuriki. I was hated by this world and i hated it right back along with everybody in it. I constantly thought of nothing but destroying it. I was no different than what the akatsuki is now.

(A.N. Yes the speech is still somewhat the same even though kuro became gaara's friend. He hated the world for a good year because he had to kill yashamaru)

However, my first friend saved me! He saved me from all those years of endless, pointless rage. But now? Now people are after him, among my other friends! Because they seek to oppose those who would have us trapped and killed! They oppose those who would take our freedom! They Protect us from what we cannot protect ourselves from! Now I want to return the favor! I Want to protect my friends from Madara Uchiha and the Akatsuki who wish to harm them!

We are no longer the five great hidden villages! We are only shinobi! If you still cannot forgive the sand village then i will give you my head on a platter after this war is over! But for now! We are no longer enemies! We are the great allied shinobi force! Enemies turned friends to fight a greater threat that seeks to harm us all! I want to protect my friends and family! I Know you want to aswell! However i am too young and naive to do so alone!

That is why, I need all of you to give me your strength! To protect our friends that we hold so dear! To protect the very world we live on! Let us fight as one until our dying breaths!"

(A.N i edited the speech a bit)

Everyone cheered. I mean seriously, it was an amazing speech. A speech that motivated the shinobi alliance to fight against madara uchiha. Everyone knew who he was. Afterall, who doesn't know of the ghost of the uchiha clan?

--Quest! Fight in the war!-


-Fight until you cant anymore for the world is at stake!

-Stop as many deaths as you can!

-Save kaguya from being resealed!

Optional objectives

-Save Neji hyuuga from death.

-Save Obito uchiha from death.

-Save Inoichi Yamanaka

-Save Shikaku Nara

Rewards: Title: The one loved by the world.(comes with benefits) Second ressureccion form. +Mystic eyes of death perception.


Oh shit! Those are amazing rewards


(A.N Yo should i give him a kekkei genkai called Nature release.? Its a better version of mokuton. I just thought it would be cool. Let me know)

As i was looking at the quest i see gaara come up.

Kuro: "Yo gaara what do you need?"

Gaara: "Kuro, i want you out there with me on the battle field. Your abilities will help with saving lives from madara uchiha."

Kuro: "You got it chief, when are we moving out?"

Gaara: "Within the hour."

Kuro: "Shit, i haven't packed! Your helping me!" i say as i grab gaara and run off to my house to pack up my shit into storage scrolls.

Gaara is helping me pack everything. I have weapons upon weapons, chakra pills, food, water, rations upon rations, basically anything that i think ill need. Good, i got everything.


Off to war then


About 7 hours of marching through the desert and we see them. The old, dead, kages. The second Tsuchikage. The third Raikage. The third Mizukage. And the fourth Kazekage.

"Gaara, I'll take on the third raikage." I say as i run off to where he is absolutely decimating our troops.

"Ill take it from here" i say to the troops. One of them was about to argue when he feels a dark chakra.

I put my mask on as i don't want to waste too much chakra so i can save it for madara.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!" I say while slamming my hands into the dense sand.

'Nobuo! Omonari! Go help the troops fight the third mizukage. And if you can, steal the ability from the guy in bandages.

They look at me and nod to go help. I focus my attention on the raikage who has his three finger spear jutsu coming for my face. I duck under his hand and kick his knee in disorienting him for a few moments.

I grab Ouroboros and stab him through his gut. Damn! if only i learned fuinjutsu! I pull out a chakra rod, dodging his hand again and stab at his face. He narrowly dodges and punches me in the gut sending my flying upwards. "oompfh!" I grin a feral grin. Though it isn't seen by the others because of the mask. They're still dumfounded as to how i was able to "last" this long against someone who they were having so much trouble with. I land back on the ground flipping backwards dodging a raikage. I charge a cero and sonido towards him to fire at point blank range. It decimates his entire body. I can't help but notice that he was taking longer to reform. Now all i need are the barrier corps to come seal him away. I'm continuously slicing the reforming body to slow it down. I stab his leg with a chakra rod and it slows it down even more only for me to notice,


But it was too late. The barrier corps was too late and he reformed before they could seal him. He slams his fist into my gut and decks me in the face while im distracted and i go flying into a rock formation. Ok, That pissed me off.

I jump out of the rock and brush any excess off me. Taking a deep breath I focus my chakra to heal my broken rib. My face was fine because the mask is very durable.





Im furious. While breaking a rib is nothing too serious for me, it still hurts like a bitch. All because the fucking barrier corps wouldn't move!


The barrier corps knew i was referring to them. They knew it was their fault i got punched like that. I rarely ever get injured anymore because i'm just that agile.

Alright. I need to save my chakra for madara. So Taijutsu and Kenjutsu it is. I may have an ungodly amount of chakra, but using ressureccion uses an absolute shit ton. And i have no doubt ill need it for madara. Even then ill still only be able to hold him off because of how much more experienced he is than me.

I close my eyes and send out a chakra pulse. The raikage is running at me with one finger out instead of three. Looks like he is going for the kill now. I dodge his hand, over and over. Slashing at him continuously destroying his body. Over and over and over, i slash at him. Cutting off arms, his head, bisecting him. Trying to stop him from moving forward. He finally ducks under my sword and tries to trip me. I vault over him slicing at his back. Its like a dance. A deadly, slashy, beautiful dance. Good thing he cant bleed otherwise i'd be covered in blood.

I thought i was going to have a chance to stop his movement, but no i trip on a rock and he jabs his hand right into my chest. It does break the skin, but nothing a bit of hollow healing wont fix. I look and him and think 'I need to immobilize him.' I throw out a couple chakra rods. He dodges with ease but is unprepared for my trap. Wires made of chakra rods burst out of the ground. Entrapping him before he can get closer. I ran the wires up my arm and down through my pants into the sand. Holding him there i see the barrier corps finally come and seal his body away.

"Finally you fucking idiots. Pay attention next time!" i say as i run off to join gaara only to see madara drop off his pillar.

"Shit already?"

Madara starts to run at the alliance but i intercept him, pushing him out of the way. He just brushes off his shoulder like he did in the anime which pissed me off.

"Hoh? someone a little interesting has arrived."

I narrow my eyes.

"Annihilate and Rehabilitate. Ouroboros!" I scream to the heavens.
