026: First weeks of school.


I look at the boys staring at her as she walks over to me and i give a quick peck to her on the lips showing the rest that she is mine. They look at me with anger though i see some disgruntled looks and Malfoy is looking at me like i killed his family. I pull down the bottom of my right eyelid and stick my tongue out at him.


Everyone has been sorted and ate. After eating Dumbledore starts tapping his glass.

"Our caretaker Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor is off limits, to all who do not wish to die a most painful death. The forbidden forest is as it says, Forbidden. And i just have a few words to say to you.





He then sends us off to our dorms with the prefects.

To the bat- ahem. To the dorms!

We get infront of the door and it gives a riddle.

"If i drink, i die, if i eat i live, what am I?

(Pretty simple one)

"Anyone want to give this a try?" The prefect says smugly thinking nobody will be able to answer the simple riddle.

God, some Ravenclaws are so fuckin up their own ass thinking that they are smarter than everyone else.

Luna chirps up with "Fire!" his face drops as he lost his chance to show his "superiority to the first years."

He gives us a quick rundown about the door's riddles, dorm rules, etc.

"There are four to a room, boys on the left and girls on the right. The room farthest to the left and right are dorms that house two people rather than four. Your stuff will appear in the room you decide to stay in.

I walked over to the leftmost room on the boys side and walked in, gaara behind me. I didn't really feel like sharing a room with two prissy brats that think they are the smartest in the school.

Gaara and I don't say a word. We just walk in, plop down, and sleep.

-First day of transmutation class--

I wake up and look at the clock on the wall in our dorm, we got a few hours before school starts. Gaara wanted me to wake him up when i wake up as he knows i wake early.

"Gaara." i shake him a little. "Gaara!" i shake him harder, yet he still doesn't wake up. Alrighty then, its time for the tried and true method of waking people up.

*Smack* "hyeu-" *Smack* "I-" *Smack* "I'M UP DAMMIT!" he says as he jumps out of bed. I look at him and shrug my shoulders. I grab my headphones and Ipod which have been enchanted by my parents to work as-long as the enchantment doesn't wear off. Putting on some joggers and a T-shirt i go out for an Early-morning run with gaara. I want kaguya to start coming with me but i wont force her.

(A.n Society is a little more advanced than its canon counterpart but there isnt things like iphones out yet.

One thing i noticed about wizards is Most were absolute garbage when it came to keeping a fit physique and hand to hand combat. Both of which help massively in a fight. After running for an hour we head back to the dorms to shower and eat. Don't wanna be sweaty during my first class now do i? I take my headphones off and put my ipod away.

After washing my long white hair and my body i dry off and slap on some robes. I check the watch on my wrist, its still about an hour before Mcgonagall's class which means i get breakfast.

--McGonagall's class--

I'm calmly sitting in Transfiguration class sitting next to kaguya. Gaara is sitting in the seat infront of me next to Luna. It seems Gaara has taken a liking to her eccentric personality. Oh! My little brother is all grown up! Gaara looks back and sees my wipe a tear off my face with a grin. He doesn't seem to realize what i was doing.

The cat perched up on the desk like a throne suddenly jumped off and transformed into McGonagall. It was fun seeing gaara's and Kaguya's Bewildered faces.

(A.N yes they will have Animagus forms. My favorite part of the series. I already have Kaguya's and gaara's forms planned out, but what should Kuro's be. No dragons or anything like that, but comment here about the animal you want.)

McGonagall explained the basics of transfiguration like how to properly visualize what you want, and how to not completely fuck it up and blow yourself to smithereens.

"Today class, we will be transfiguring a Matchstick into A silver needle. Now, turn your wands in a circular motion and visualize what you want the matchstick to transform into." She says as she demonstrates.

It takes me a couple tries but i Transfigure the match into a needle. Then after the needle i transfigure it into a small silver eagle, which promptly squawks at me and flaps its wings a few times before going to a matchstick.

McGonagall sees this when she is passing by and widens her eyes. "Mr. Vaux, Have you practiced transfiguration before?" she asks as it was common in pureblood families to use an untraced wand to practice.

"No professor, this is the first time i have transfigured anything."

"Well! Very good! 15 points to Ravenclaw!" she says as making a live transfiguration isn't something we learn until our third year.

I don't bother holding back my magic, as if i get in a life threatening situation, then i can break out the jutsu and clap anyone who comes after me.

Gaara and kaguya are also naturals at transfiguration. They couldn't make a live one like me but they made the needle after a couple tries which McGonagall gave them each another five points for.

After a few more students get the transfiguration down the class ends and we have lunch. After lunch though, is charms with the Gryffindor's in Professor Flitwick's class.


A little bit shorter of a chapter but i am busy tonight. Ciao!