027: First weeks of school Part 2: Electric Boogaloo.


After a few more students get the transfiguration down the class ends and we have lunch. After lunch though, is charms with the Gryffindor's in Professor Flitwick's class.


Professor Flitwick's class.

(A.N no they do not learn the levitation charm right now. That's on Halloween in October.)

"Goodmorning class. Since today is your first day, and you're all still getting adjusted to the schedule, we'll have some simple and easy theory today.

"Can anyone give me your theory of why magic works?"

I raise my hand.

"Ah, Tell me your name and answer."

"My name is Rokuro Vaux, And i think that magic is fueled by intent and experience."

"Would you elaborate please?"`

"Um, how do i explain this properly," i mutter to myself

"I'm horrible at explaining so it probably wont be good but ill try. Ok, lets say i wanted to cast a Knockback jinx. I have proper wand movements, and the proper chant, but if i don't put any intent behind the spell it wont work. I need to intend for the person i'm casting the jinx at to be knocked back.

Now for experience. Experience improves your spell casting by magnitudes. Lets compare it to breathing manually, and breathing naturally. Spell casting without experience is like breathing manually, you need to make sure that your lungs are taking in oxygen and pushing it out. Spellcasting with experience is like breathing naturally, is something your body does subconsciously. Its ingrained into you from the moment you take your first breath. Your body just breathes like clockwork, all the time. Once you become proficient enough in a certain spell your body will automatically move correctly, chant properly, and put intent behind it."

(A.N did that make any semblance of sense to you guys?" That's how i thought spells in harry potter work)

"Very good theory Mr. Vaux! five points to Ravenclaw!"

The professor begins to explain the basics of theory, some of which match up with my own, then he explains some of the things we'll be learning throughout the year. Including basic jinxes, hexes, curses, spells, etc.

After that we headed to dinner. Kaguya on my right, Gaara infront of kaguya and Luna infront of me. I've noticed that Luna tends to stay away from everyone else, except for us. Either we are the only ones who've treated her nicely, or she just doesn't like anyone else.

I make small conversation with Gaara and kaguya, making sure to include luna. She needs friends. She was bullied in canon, so ill make sure that doesn't happen this time around.

-At the dormitories-

"Shadow clone jutsu!" I say

I transform the shadow clone into a fly and send it to monitor Luna. I have no doubt that she is already being bullied for her eccentric personality. If and when i find any bullies, well, lets just say that shadow clones have more uses than just learning information.

The next morning i go on my run, shower, and eat like usual but now is the class i'm most excited for. Herbology. I don't know if its my nature release Kekkei genkai, that was given to my by my title, but i absolutely love anything to do with nature. I plan on having my own magical garden, in each world. Today Professor sprout (My favorite teacher) gave us some theory in magical plants, and thrust us right into the work. We're taking care of an herb called Dittany. Dittany is a healing herb, that can cure shallow wounds when ingested. I look down at my plant and frown.

Dittany is supposed to be a dark green in color. This one is more of a light green. Its unhealthy. "Professor sprout, Could you come here real quick?

She walks over to me. "Yes Mr. Vaux?"

"Uh this plant is unhealthy. Dittany is supposed to be a dark green instead of a light green. And its leaves are slightly drooping. Do you have any remedies for this?"

"Ah, yes i do, but where did you learn about the plant?"

"Herbology was one of the subjects i studied ahead a little, I like gardening so it seemed really interesting."

"Oh! Very good Mr Vaux. It's nice to have a student who doesn't treat my class like a chore. Okay, so Dittany, Is an herb that practically eats up any sun it can get into. This is why we usually keep them indoors with minimal sunlight, so they don't get out of control. So to fix up this little bout of sickness, we simply need to take it into the sunlight for about five minutes."

"You got it Professor, ill do just that."

(A.N with the plants I'm gonna look up names but then im gonna BS it through and through for plant care, and all that, as the wiki doesn't really say anything about plant care.)

After herbology was lunch and DADA which was boring as shit. SQuirrell got maybe one word out. Everything else was just a jumbled mess.

(A.N i realized i didn't mention his school schedule so here it is. It probably doesnt match up with canon schedule but its my own so it works.


6:00-7:00 Wake up and go for a run.

7:01-8:59 free time

9:00-12:00 Transfiguration

12:01-1:00 Lunch.

1:01-4:00 Charms

4:01-5:59 free time

6:00-8:00 Dinner.

8:01-5:59 Curfew.


6:00-7:00 Wake up and go for a run.

7:01-8:59 free time.

9:00-12:00 Herbology

12:01-1:00 Lunch.

1:01-4:00 DADA

4:01-5:59 free time

6:00-8:00 Dinner.

8:01-5:59 Curfew.


6:00-7:00 Wake up and go for a run.

7:01-8:59 free time.

9:00-12:00 Potions

12:01-1:00 Lunch.

1:01-4:00 History of magic

4:01-5:59 free time

6:00-8:00 Dinner.

8:01-5:59 Curfew.


6:00-7:00 Wake up and go for a run.

7:01-8:59 free time.

9:00-12:00 Transfiguration

12:01-1:00 Lunch.

1:01-4:00 Charms

4:01-5:59 free time

6:00-8:00 Dinner.

8:01-5:59 Curfew.


6:00-7:00 Wake up and go for a run.

7:01-8:59 free time.

9:00-12:00 Transfiguration

12:01-1:00 Lunch.

1:01-4:00 Flight

4:01-5:59 free time

6:00-8:00 Dinner.

8:15-11:00 Astrology.

11:30-5:59 Curfew.


Free days.


That was how he spent his days for the next couple weeks. Learning theory, spells, potions, how to read stars, history etc. Though his favorite class was herbology. Yesterday he noticed luna getting bullied. By a few students. Though the main ones, were Pansy Parkinson, Padma Patil, and Cho chang. Time for some good ole' fashioned genjutsu. I made a couple more shadow clone flies, all of which would put those three into a genjutsu. I have some evil plans. Though, Firstly, a warning. They would get a warning in their dreams to stop bullying with luna. Next though, if they continued with the bullying, well, It'll be a sight to see.

(A.N ayo ive racked my brain for this, but i cant think of anything, what is something that is really, really, humiliating? Give me an idea and ill probably use it for the punishment when i post a chapter tomorrow.)

-The next night-

We all sit down sat the dinner table in the hall.

"Hello luna! How was your day?" gaara asks.

"Well, It was okay. This school is infested with Nargles and Wrackspurts. Though they don't seem to be present around you guys. I should make a necklace for when im not around you guys."

"Luna would you mind making me, gaara, and kaguya necklaces too? The nargles and wrackspurts might not be around us, but you cant be too careful now can ya?"

Luna beams at this and seems really happy that i asked her to make us necklaces.

"Sure i'll make you some!"

(A.N ill give gaara a chapter next. Ill make it from his Pov from the first day of school